Category Archives: Faculty Speaker

Senior Dinner 2012

By Kyle Hanford, English Teacher

Originally presented during Senior Dinner on Tuesday, May 8, 2012.

Good evening.  To begin, I want to thank Mr. Hill, Ms. Sage, Mr. Martin, the dining staff, and the wait staff for tonight’s meal.  Nothing was left to chance, and it was excellent.

To the senior class, I want to say that I am both humbled and honored that you have chosen me to speak to you this evening.  I think all educators go through moments in their careers when they wonder if they are making a difference, if they are reaching students, if they matter.  And to be honest, when you are new to a school, all you are trying to do is to not screw up bad enough so they tell you that you can’t come back.

And since I’m being honest tonight, I can tell you that of those of you in the audience who had me the first day of classes this year, I was just trying to get through the day without too many eye rolls, groans, and “Where’d they get THIS guy?” comments.  Think of it from my position: you are returning to a school that you went to for one year as a post graduate.  It’s been 15 years since you’ve left and you are facing a group of confident and bright seniors, some of whom have been at the school for six years, about to teach them about “the essay.”  Of my two senior classes in the fall, I can only come to three conclusions: one: You really liked me; two: you are SUPERB liars, or three: I completely duped you.

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