Can You Read These?

These colorful images are parts of Uyen Meow ’13 mural for Mr. Spearing’s Activity Office in Reed center. Can you guess what it is? It is a mural of the Williston Northampton’s school motto, “Purpose – Passion – Integrity”. The colorful and vibrant shapes in this mural are the transformation version of every single letter in our school motto. The artist use acrylic colors with bright tones to bring a lively and happy feeling to any art appreciator observing this mural. According to the painter, the random shapes in the painting expressed her free-spirited mind and the large opportunities she get to be creative during taking art program at Wiliston. Initially, She got inspired to do this painting by the enormous academic and life lessons about “Purpose – Passion – Integrity” that Williston taught her during my 3-years here. Uyen hopes that this motto, along with my mural, will continue to inspire active students, here, at Williston, to keep exploring and find their own true paths.
So, come and see it! Mr. Spearing will always welcome you to his office to see this fantastic piece of art!

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