Grubbs Gallery Presents David Gloman

Keystone Bridge 2015 copy
Keystone Bridge 2015, David Gloman

Light and geometry are the two themes that run through the whole of David Gloman’s paintings, whether he’s working on a watercolor of the Southwestern desert landscape or an oil painting of a swimming hole in the woods.

“The role that light and weather play in an agricultural place and the grid like geometry of the fields are two elements always present in my work,” wrote Mr. Gloman in his online artist statement. “I paint directly outdoors and the paintings are distilled visual experiences of specific places.”

Mr. Gloman, who has been a featured artist in previous Grubbs Gallery seasons, returns to the Williston Northampton School campus on October 1 for a show of his latest work, “Rocks and Water.”

The paintings in the exhibit—created through the in-nature style that Mr. Gloman has perfected through his use of a truck-based mobile studio—feature such locations as the Green Mountain National Forest, Chesterfield Gorge, Dead Branch of the Westfield River, and Chester, MA.

Becket Quarry 2015, David Gloman
Becket Quarry 2015, David Gloman

“The paintings are an attempt to capture the particulars of a specific place: time of day, weather, topography, and season in the simplest painting language possible,” Mr. Gloman noted recently. “I was seeking out places where there was interplay of rock and water: permanence and fluidity.”

Mr. Gloman is the artist in residence at Amherst College and offers Saturday art classes in the fall and winter for talented high school artists. He has previously worked with such Williston student artists as Emma Kaisla ’15.

“Rocks and Water” will be on display in the Grubbs Gallery from October 1-29. A reception for the artist will be October 10 from 1:00-3:30 p.m. in the gallery.

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