Linda Batchelor in Grubbs Gallery

Waltz of the Chicken, Linda Batchelor
Waltz of the Chicken, Linda Batchelor

On Display: November 2-January 5
Reception: Saturday, November 7 from 1:00-3:30 p.m.

Working with prints and collage, Linda Batchelor explores the emotional harmonies created through colors and patterns. Her work ranges from stylized bottles and figures to the most abstract. After focusing on monotypes and collages, Ms. Batchelor has recently been working on larger scale pieces.

In her artist statement, Ms. Batchelor notes her earliest efforts at collage were “jazzy and colorful with a sense of humor,” but that she has lately increased her focus on straight monotypes.

“These new pieces combine composition skills honed through years of collaging with a freer, more experimental, approach to transferring ink to paper via a press,” she writes. “The pieces can be quieter and more contemplative. I think of them as my northern work.”

The award-winning artist, who includes a merit prize from the Smithsonian American Museum of Art among her various accolades, has exhibited both regionally and nationally. Ms. Batchelor’s work is featured in collections at the Boston Public Library, Baltimore City College, and Fidelity Investments. She attended Brown University and Maryland Institute of Art and has a studio at One Cottage Street, Easthampton.


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