Clay Artist Shapes Newest Grubbs Gallery Exhibit

By Kristina Tedeschi
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After exhibiting her work in galleries across the country for two decades, nationally recognized artist Robbie Heidinger will bring her latest pieces to Williston’s Grubbs Gallery beginning April 2.

Ms. Heidinger hand-forms clay into practical yet beautiful designs that evoke elements of the natural world.”Watch a plant grow, and you see its intention is perfect,” Ms. Heidinger writes in her artist’s statement. “It uses just the right shape, amount of color, and texture to fulfill its pliant, living design. I try to emulate this ‘biosophy’ in clay—without doing realistic imitations of plants.”

Gently curving lines, hues inspired by earth and sky, and an aesthetic rooted in the outdoors are all hallmarks of Ms. Heidinger’s ceramics. Each of the pieces—the bowls, plates, cups and baskets she creates—beg to be touched.

“It satisfies the urge to feel something attractively ‘natural,’ and more seductively, rewards the user by connecting them with a very potent and tightly focused abstraction of the tissues and structures of organic life,” Ms. Heidinger, of Westhampton, writes. “This—the psychosomatic connection occurring during the act of using the piece—unleashes the potencies of my expression.”

“New Work by Robbie Heidinger” will run from April 2 through May 11 at the Grubbs Gallery, with an opening Sunday, April 13 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. For more about the artist, visit

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