Grubbs Gallery Presents Karen Iglehart

On Display: January 7 – 30
Reception: Saturday, Jan. 10, 1:30-3:30 p.m.

-Nov2013-116Karen Iglehart is inspired by the relationships of form and color, the sense of space and scale, and most of all how all of those elements relate to landscapes. Having lived in Southwest, the South, Nova Scotia, and New England, she notes that she’s retained an artistic memory of those places.

“I want the viewer to find his/her own space in my paintings; to experience a sense of personal place not defined or explained for them,” she writes in a personal statement about her work.

Ms. Iglehart’s work has been shown in professional galleries in Boston, New Orleans, Taos, Denver, San Francisco and has been included in juried and invitational shows.

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