Category Archives: Arts News

Theater Lab – A First Time Director’s Start

As part of our Winter Trimester production “Theater Lab,” I’ve asked Noah Jackson ’15 to write three posts about the process of producing a play from his perspective as a first time director and costume designer.  He has written the first of those and I have included it below.

– Charles Raffetto


I stared at the script blankly as if it were a pure white canvas ready to be transformed into a masterpiece. Everything from lights to sound and costumes went running through my mind as the prospect of a play turned into a reality. With the script as guidance, I was going to form a small piece of theater into something that was completely and totally my vision. These feelings were daunting to say the least, but I am sure my experience was one similar to what most first time directors go through. 

Through Theater Lab, a new after school program option accessible during the winter trimester, students gain insight and experience relevant to every facet of creating drama including designing, directing and acting.  I was one of the four students to take up the task of directing a small, three- to four-page play chosen through options given to us by our producer Charles Raffetto. 

It is fair to say that, through my experience as a director, I have gained a new-found respect for the resident Williston Theater Director, Emily Ditkovski. Directing has entailed so much more than I could have ever imagined and has been very different from the stereotypical “sitting in the audience with a megaphone shouting orders” archetype that people may think of when the word director is used. In fact, directing is such an interconnected experience when it comes to having to work with others. Through Theater Lab I have had to collaborate with student light designers, set designers, costume designers, stage managers and actors. It has been a very interactive experience in that we all work together to bring to fruition each others ideas. 

Overall, Theater Lab has been invaluable in guiding me to become a better director. There is no better experience than just throwing yourself into a project and doing the hands-on work that you need to know how to do. Even in the one month that Theater Lab has been going on, I have run rehearsals, built cohesion within the cast and blocked an entire short play. In the end Theater Lab has given me the tools to tackle the once daunting prospect of creating a Theatrical piece of art. – Noah Jackson ’15

Theatre in the Winter: An Inside Look

While winter is usually a time for curling up with a favorite book and a warm blanket or binge-watching shows on Netflix, the Williston theatre is bustling with energy, excitement, and the sound of power tools and sewing machines. Between rehearsals for  Theatre Lab (our student one-act festival) and our spring production of Shakespeare’s As You Like It, each week there are over 50 people working about 25 hours in the theatre.

Needless to say, we don’t get out of the building much this time of year, but it works out fine for us when the temperatures are sub-zero and the sun barely shines. If you happen to find yourself in Scott Hall in the afternoon you are likely to discover a building teeming with small pods of actors, directors, designers, and stage managers working on one of the five one-acts that will make up our Theatre Lab performance.

If you head into the scene shop you will see technicians building walls, ramps, and doorways for the modular Theatre Lab set. Making your way into the very back of the building, you will see a costume shop exploding with fabric and the sound of multiple sewing machines going at once.  If you stumble into the building after dark you will hear the raucous laughter of actors finally getting Shakespeare’s bawdy jokes or (in a more focused moment) actors flipping through the First Folio to get a better sense of Shakespeare’s text, and of course, a stage manager meticulously recording everything.

We are excited to keep you posted on all of these events, not to mention the great things that are happening in classes (even more Shakespeare!) . Check back soon for an in-depth look at our first few rehearsals for As You Like It.

Acting II: Exploring the Italian Comedy Part III


Burning social commentary.

Universal truths.

These might not be the first words that pop into your head when you hear the word  “comedy” but students in Acting II have a different take on things. For the past three weeks we have been studying comedy. Yes, this is actually a thing and it consist of more than sitting around watching your favorite Saturday Night Live sketches. It is as complex, intricate and challenging as tackling Hamlet (well, maybe not as complex, but definitely as challenging!).  Comedy has rules and traditions. If you follow them you will likely end up with people describing your work as “enlightened” or containing “burning social commentary” that highlight “universal truths” while clutching their stomachs because they are laughing so hard. At least that’s what happened in our class on Wednesday.

Acting II students were charged with crafting original sketches using the foundations of commedia dell’arte as a guide. Commedia was born in Italy during the Renaissance. Its raucous, bawdy, and highly-physical comedy provided the backbone for every comedian who followed. The primary goal of commedia was to challenge the status quo and unearth universal truths about social norms. I was curious to see what social norms our students would tackle and what elements of commedia they would utilize. It would be impossible for me to summarize their work- comedy, in its essence, is of the moment- but I will give you some highlights…

  • The American Melting Pot compared to rainbow sprinkles
  • Politicians speaking gibberish
  • A reference to the famous Red Sox player A-Rod
  • A veterinarian providing childbirth advice
  • Multiple references to reality television

Through these outlandish situations universal truths about American politics, major league sports, the politics of flying, and the value of family were unearthed.

Beyond creating our own sketches we looked at theatre traditions from the past and present, across the globe and in our backyards, that share connections with commedia. Kabuki Theatre, the Peking Opera, Bread and Puppet Theatre, and the San Fransisco Mime Troupe utilize physicality, stock characters and other traits of  commedia in their work. At the end of class today students concluded that this kind of storytelling is universal and links us as human beings across time and space. Pretty enlightened, indeed.

A Lesson In Beatboxing

S#arp Attitude's Melinda Packer Brings the Beat to Williston
Photo by Dennis Crommett
Photo by Dennis Crommett

The world of collegiate a cappella has been heating up the past few years. With the rise of shows like the The Sing Off, success of movies such as Pitch Perfect (a sequel is due next spring), or the popularity of a cappella groups like Pentatonix, there’s never been a better time for the world of a cappella.

Here in the second trimester at Williston, both the Caterwaulers and Widdigers have been taking a bit of a break from classical repertoire to focus on choral pop and our own student-led a cappella arrangements.

Although I have a lot of experience composing and arranging music, there’s one very important aspect of good a cappella that I do not have as much experience in:


This is where Melinda Packer comes in. Melinda is the founder of S#arp Attitude, an all-female a cappella group at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

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Violist Slapin to Perform Solo Recital at Williston

15320686253_454a358ac6_zA critically acclaimed violist, composer, and director of the Williston Northampton String Ensemble will give a recital in the Reed Campus Center tonight, December 10, at 7:00 p.m.

Scott Slapin’s perfomances have been praised by American Record Guide, Fanfare, Mundo Clásico, Musical Opinion, and Strad, while his compositions have been performed by violists across the United States and Europe. He has written two albums of viola-centric recital music: All Viola, All the Time and Reflection. Mr. Slapin is also the first person to have recorded the complete cycle of J.S. Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas on viola.

“An unaccompanied viola recital is a rare event,” Mr. Slapin noted in his artist statement. “One unaccompanied piece on a recital with piano is normal enough, but an entire concert of nothing but you, me, and the viola doesn’t happen every day.”

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Acting II: Exploring the Italian Comedy, Part II

Over the past few days students in Acting II have been experimenting with the ideas of commedia dell’arte and the connection it has to comedy produced today. For their current project students are being asked to create and perform a short sketch utilizing at least three elements of  commedia. So far they have come up with some pretty intriguing ideas- corruption in sports, infantile behavior among politicians, the universal fear of flying, and the facade of family loyalty.  In true commedia fashion they are creating outlines for their scenarios and will soon embark on the task of using improvisation to bring the pieces to their feet.

Andrew, Chris, and Nick work out some details for their scenario dealing with corruption in major league sports.
Andrew, Chris, and Nick work out some details for their scenario dealing with corruption in major league sports.
Preliminary notes for the corruption in sports scenario.
Preliminary notes for the corruption in sports scenario.

7th Grade Theatre: Leadership in Action

Leadership is something educators hold dear. We are constantly thinking about how to encourage it in our classes. In seventh grade theatre, leadership happens  many different times throughout any given class period. In fact, we start each class with a warm-up led by a student. Their charge is simple, yet deceptively complex: lead a five minute exercise that engages the whole class  and utilizes four main theatre words: focus, imagination, physicality, and voice. Sometimes students choose games that I know, other times I am learning them for the first time along with our students. Regardless, it is not difficult to turn the classroom over to my students. They are eager to take the reigns and do so with gusto.

Last Tuesday a student taught “The Martha Game” to her peers. She started by explaining how the game works. Students begin the game in a line facing the playing space. One player at a time steps into the playing space and strikes a pose. He or she announces who they are and what they are doing. The next player must follow suit, adding to the picture already established.  This continues until all players have added to the picture. The pace is fast and lends itself to spontaneity- not to mention that it hits all the elements of the theatre needed in a strong warm up. Our leader decided to add an additional collaborative component to the game for our second round- the person who follows you now announces who you are and what you are doing. This addition utilized one of my favorite elements of the theatre- Follow the Follower. This might sound like an oxymoron, but it’s a key element in theatre-making. There is no singular leader. We each follow each other, building on what has come before, similar to the improv. mantra “Yes, and…” In making this adjustment to the game, our teacher for the morning encouraged us to learn from each other and see the importance in the exchange of ideas. It was a perfect way to start the day.


A seventh grader teaches her peers a theatre game called Market.
A seventh grader teaches her peers “The Martha Game.”


Seventh graders playing Market, a game taught to them by a classmate, for the first time.
Seventh graders playing “The Martha Game,” taught to them by a classmate, for the first time.

All My Sons: Moving On

All My Sons played to a packed house last weekend and the responses we’ve gotten from audience members have been outstanding. It was an incredible feeling to know that the hard work and long hours paid off.

After closing night we gathered together to strike the set- the process at the end of each show where cast and crew take down each piece of the set one segment at a time until the stage returns to it’s neutral space- empty. This is an emotional time for the cast and crew. The process is a necessity- we have a dance concert in the theatre next week- but it is also a ceremony. A way for us to say goodbye to the show, our performances, and the experience as a whole. It will come as no surprise that when we work on a play it becomes part of our lives. Even when we’re not at rehearsal the characters live with the actors a bit, the light cues stick in a stage manager’s head, the details of a particular costume ruminate in a designer’s mind. The audience says goodbye to a show during curtain call, but those of us who have been more closely involved need a bit more than that. The ritual of strike is repeated at the end of each production and allows us the opportunity to transition to a life without the show. It involves collaboration, patience, organization, and a lot of power tools.

Below you will find some photos of the transition our space underwent during strike (I didn’t capture any of the dressing rooms- perhaps I’ll save that for next time!) so you can get a peak into the work that goes into the process. It took nearly thirty people and six hours to accomplish. After which we celebrated with pizza and sharing memories of the show.

A shot of the Keller house before opening night. The set was designed by Technical Director Charles Raffetto and built by students in tech. theatre.
A shot of the Keller house before opening night. The set was designed by Technical Director Charles Raffetto and built by students in tech. theatre.
Cam Stanley works to remove a window frame from the Keller house.
Cam Stanley works to remove a window frame from the Keller house.
Noah Jackson removes screws from the wall of the Keller house.
Noah Jackson removes screws from the wall of the Keller house.
Cast and crew work to clear the stage of the remaining platforms, while others begin the arduous process of removing staples used to keep the grass in place.
Cast and crew work to clear the stage of the remaining platforms, while others begin the arduous process of removing staples used to keep the grass in place.
The stage is finally cleared and swept. The theatre has made the transition from Keller backyard to dance concert ready!
The stage is finally cleared and swept. The theatre has made the transition from Keller backyard to nearly dance concert ready!


Grubbs Gallery Presents David Marshall

David MarshallOn Display: November 1 – December 18
Reception: Saturday, November 15, 1:30-3:30 p.m.

The work of David Marshall will be on display in the Grubbs Gallery from November 1 until December 18, when Williston Northampton School closes for winter break.

Mr. Marshall, a Northampton-based artist, describes the act of painting as “rewarding because of its moments of heightened awareness and its quiet contemplation of nature’s beauty.” His paintings—of landscapes, figures, and still lifes—aim to capture fleeting light in the moment, how objects melt into each other, and how they separate from their surroundings.

“If one paints the parts, they rarely add up to produce a unified whole,” he wrote in a statement about his work. “Subtle changes in light—even in a studio with natural light—dramatically affect the overall tonality of a subject. “

For the Grubbs Gallery show, Mr. Marshall collected some of his most recent and favorite work with paintings that explore two themes: nude figures in landscapes, including smaller studies, and the ever-changing nature of water.

“Painting moving water is something I’ve tried on and off over the years but never with much dedication,” Mr. Marshall noted. “I decided to work on my ability to paint water (specifically some of the smaller rivers in Chesterfield) as the snow began to melt last spring…I did have a few paintings in the area of the Chesterfield Gorge where I might have captured an effect.”

Mr. Marshall has studied panting at the Massachusetts College of Art, Art Students League, and Brooklyn College, where he earned an M.F.A. under the tutelage of Lennart Anderson. He’s had both solo and group shows in galleries in New York City, Philadelphia, and throughout New England. Mr. Marshall also helped create The Oxbow Gallery in Northampton, a venue for both local and nationally renowned painters.

All My Sons: Opening Night!

You might wonder why nearly 20 students are sporting evening wear on a cold, rainy Thursday in October. If you look across campus you might spot someone in a suit (equipped with a bow tie) or a fancy black dress. Why? The answer: opening night of All My Sons. In keeping with theatre tradition, cast and crew dress up on this important day.

At last count we have 10 seats left for tonight’s performance. We will host the 11th grade who are studying the play in their English classes. They’ve been using a study guide created by the dramturge for All My Sons, Nick Dalzell ’15.  We’re curious and excited to see what they think of the show.

Are you coming to opening night? What are your thoughts on the show? Let us know in the comments below!

Members of the cast and crew before dress rehearsal on Monday.
Members of the cast and crew before dress rehearsal on Monday.
Ann Deever (Sonia Berghoff '15 and Chris Keller (Calvin Ticknor-Swanson) on the porch of the Keller house.
Ann Deever (Sonia Berghoff ’15) and Chris Keller (Calvin Ticknor-Swanson) on the porch of the Keller house.