Singing by yourself in the shower or car is a pretty wonderful feeling. However, singing with around 250 other people is an even more powerful feeling. Students from Williston Northampton had the opportunity to participate in the Massachusetts American Choral Directors Association (MassACDA) and UMass Amherst High School/Collegiate Choral Festival. This festival puts students from across the state side by side with college musicians from UMass Amherst, both undergraduate and graduate students alike.
Guest conductors Scott Tucker (long time conductor of the Cornell Choral Department) and Lynnel Joy Jenkins (of the Princeton Girl Choir) led an amazing day of rehearsals and the performance in the UMass Fine Arts Center was well attended. Not only did the students get to feel what singing with over 200 voices feels like, but they got to do it with some of the best singers in the state. Below, you can find video from the event, as well as a candid of the students enjoying some pie at Route 9 Diner after the concert.
Williston students who participated in the event were Oliver Demers, Cary Pazmany, Ben Cuca, Sam Duffy, Grace McMeekin, and Sonia Berghoff.
The Williston Northampton Choral Ensembles will have their own concert coming up on Tuesday, November 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the Phillips Stevens Chapel. Come hear the Middle School Chorus, Caterwaulers, Widdigers, and Teller Chorus put on an amazing concert of their own. We hope to see you there!