Congratulations to all the winners of the 8th Annual Williston Film Festival! Held on Friday, May 8 in the Reed Campus Center, the festival featured “great turnout [and] great films,” according to festival organizer and arts faculty Ed Hing.
“Some submissions were allowed through the internet and that made the tech part way easier,” he noted. “Next year will be all online submissions.”
Some 70 entries were whittled down to 30 films, presented in two 45-minute ‘acts.’ Anthony Leung ’15 performed and there was pizza during the 20-minute judges deliberation. This year’s judges were NYC-based film editor Patrick Burns ’89; Professor Emeritus of Media Studies at the UNC Tony Fragola ’62; and Northampton-based film maker Jared Skolnick ’05.
The first prize, a $50 Tandem Bagel gift card, went to Will Harrington of Concord Academy.
“The judges commented that all participants should be proud of their entries, that every film showed creativity and effort,” noted Mr. Hing. “They were impressed with the caliber of the work.”
Best Motion Picture: “The Frog Whisperer,” Will Harrington, Concord Academy
Best Editing: “De Dans en Dehors,” Jacob Bridgman, Northampton High School
Best Screenplay: “Bad Habits,” Karen Morey, Walnut Hill School
Best Cinematography: “Rembihnutur,” Mikaela Dillon, Walnut Hill School
Best Animated Feature: “War is Hell,” Forrester Menson, Northampton High School
Best Documentary: “Couture for a Cause,” Helen Luo, Dana Hall School
Best Music Video: “Emitime,” Oliver Holblitzelle, Vermont Academy
BEST PSA: “Bike Helmet Safety,” Risa Tapanes, Williston Northampton
Most Creative: “Experimental,” Jen Carellas, Williston Northampton
Best Williston Film: “Ford Hall Syfu-r,”John Kay, Williston Northampton