Category Archives: Theater Highlights

As You Like It: Saying Goodbye

I am sure, as many as have good
beards or good faces or sweet breaths will, for my
kind offer, when I make curtsy, bid me farewell.

And with those words, spoken for the last time on Saturday night, we ended the run of As You Like It. Our last show, performed to a packed house of teachers, friends, parents, and members of the Easthampton community, was as lively as opening night. The wear and tear of two weeks of performance and late tech nights was nowhere to be seen.

We gathered yesterday for strike- the tradition of breaking down the set, returning the theatre to neutral and preparing it for the next performance. While strike is always bittersweet, last night offered the cast and crew the important opportunity to be together again and say goodbye to the production.

Destiny Nwafor '17 and Noah Jackson' 15work on preserving the flower arch used in the production.
Destiny Nwafor ’17 and Noah Jackson’ 15 work on preserving the flower arch used in the production.
Josh Holmberg '18 and Henning Fischel '17 take apart the last legs that belonged to the rock wall.
Josh Holmberg ’18 and Henning Fischel ’17 take apart what was once the rock wall.
Leeanna Albanese '16, Josh Holmberg '18, Evan Cavanaugh '15, and Calvin Ticknor-Swanson '16 ham it up for the camera during strike.
Leeanna Albanese ’16, Josh Holmberg ’18, Evan Cavanaugh ’15, and Calvin Ticknor-Swanson ’16 take a break from their hard work to ham it up.
Tina Zhang '15 looks cheerful as she takes on the painstaking task of removing staples from the wooden platforms.
Tina Zhang ’15 looks cheerful as she takes on the painstaking task of removing all the vines from the platforms.
Technical Director Charles Raffetto, Eason Law, and Sam Greeman pump the water out of the pond.
Technical Director Charles Raffetto, Eason Law ’17 and Francois Kaeppelin’17 pump the water out of the pond.
In case you wondered how no one slipped onstage during the show. We bought out the Pioneer Valley's supply of grip tape.
In case you wondered how no one slipped onstage during the show- we bought out the Pioneer Valley’s supply of grip tape.
Our best review came in from a seven-year old who said the play was "better than Disney World." Soon this showed up on the whiteboard backstage.
Our best review came in from a seven-year old who said the play was “better than Disney World.” Soon this showed up on the whiteboard backstage.
The Williston stage stands bare- ready for what comes next
The Williston stage stands bare- ready for what comes next.


As You Like It: Addressing Sexism in Shakespeare’s Play

We opened the show last week to packed houses. It was thrilling to see our audiences get excited about Shakespeare. I hear the play may have even inspired a few students to try their hand at acting.

As I was chatting with one student after the show he said, “Emily, I really liked it.” He paused. “May I make a comment though?” “Of course” I answered. “I found the play really sexist.”  And thus began a truly amazing conversation. I told this student that I absolutely agreed with him. It is sexist. The fact that (spoiler alert!) Phebe has to marry Silvius against her will and that Rosalind greets her father and soon-to-be husband with the phrase, “To you I give myself, for I am yours,” is difficult to swallow in 2015.

There are plays, once considered progressive, that would be divisive if put on the stage today. Some consider West Side Story to be one: a play well-beloved, but in its original form portrays ugly stereotypes. Luckily, composer-lyricist Lin-Manuel Miranda, of In the Heights and Hamilton fame, rewrote much of the play to include contemporary portrayals of Puerto Ricans grounded in truth. We do not have such luck with Shakespeare, whose plays are stuck in a time when women were not even permitted to go to the theatre alone, lest they be mistaken for prostitutes. It’s shocking to look at what happens to Phebe at the end of As You Like It and consider Shakespeare progressive, but he was for his time.

Countless scholars have devoted themselves to analyzing sexism in Shakespeare’s plays. Their results are all over the map. Some scholars are certain Shakespeare was challenging the status quo, others feel he was poking fun at progressives who dared to believe that women could hold more power. I choose to believe the former.

Phebe and Silvius, Spectralia Theatre’s production of As You Like It, 2013

While what happens to Phebe at the end of the play is less than ideal, I take my cues about Shakespeare’s intentions from the rest of the play. Shakespeare chooses to put a female at the helm of As You Like It. Rosalind takes her future into her own hands and schools her potential life-partner in the ways of a true lover. To take things a step further,  Shakespeare marries two men onstage (Ganymede and Orlando) and gives a man (Ganymede) the line “I [love] no woman.” While the audience knows Ganymede is Rosalind in disguise, the characters in the scene do not. All of this points in the direction of Shakespeare challenging the status quo. Can a woman be in charge of a relationship? Can two men fall in love? Shakespeare answers yes.

As You Like It, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, 2013

This does not negate that Phebe is forced to marry a man she does not love. It’s upsetting. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do this play. Not only does it offer so much other food-for-thought, in shying away from problematic plays we close ourselves off from difficult conversations. We should take the opportunity to begin a dialogue about sexism in Shakespeare, in contemporary theatre, and in the 21st century as a whole. There is a difference though, between problematic plays and plays that purport repugnant ideas about gender, race, and sexual orientation.  Those ones, as far as I’m concerned, should never see the light of day.

We still have three more performances to go. If you haven’t had a chance to see the play, or want another shot, visit our website to reserve your tickets.


As You Like It: Almost a Musical

As You Like It is not a musical—but it’s pretty close. While the musical as we know it would not be invented for a few hundred years, song and dance was an integral part of the Elizabethan theatre-going experience. Shakespeare’s plays, especially the comedies, are full of music. Ariel in The Tempest sings a number of songs as he casts spells over the courtiers (who wash up on the island he shares with Prospero) and in Much Ado About Nothing soldiers are welcomed home from victorious battle with a song. However, the Bard takes things a few steps further by actually writing a musician as a character into As You Like It.

I never questioned the presence of the music—Duke Senior needs entertainment in exile—until I began my research in preparation for this production. Turns out Shakespeare had alternative motives for upping his musical game for As You Like It. Around the time he was working on the play, a competing theatre company, Children of the Chapel, began including more singing in their work. In order to say competitive, Shakespeare needed to adapt. It’s amazing to think of someone like Shakespeare—the most widely translated author in the English language—as a shrewd businessman, but he was. Good thing, too.

Children of the Chapel is not a household name, but I’m guessing most people have heard of Shakespeare.

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As You Like It: Shakespeare’s Politics

Like all good comedies, As You Like It addresses social norms and encourages audiences to question the status quo. In this seemingly light comedy (that most people remember as the “one where she goes to the forest dressed like a guy”) Shakespeare makes his voice heard on the most pressing topics of his day- gender roles, land grabbing, and censorship. Using traditions defined by the Italian Comedy, Shakespeare brings universal truths to light through laughter. Jonathan Swift, Trey Parker and Matt Stone of South Park fame, and Stephen Colbert clearly took note.

While the entire play is full of terrific food for thought, three characters are shining examples of Shakespeare’s subversive ideas. The court fool Touchstone delivers some of the most glaring social commentary in the play. With his name, which references an actual touchstone- an object that tells us whether or not something is real or fake- Shakespeare sends us the not-so-subtle message to heed the truth that Touchstone speaks. Since the days of the court jester, the clown has played the role of truth-teller. Spreading subversive ideas gets a lot easier when you can shrug these ideas off as a silly joke.  One of Touchstones most enduring lines, “The more pity that fools may not speak wisely what wise men do foolishly” harkens to this point exactly.

Act V, Scene i by Frederick William Davis, 1902. Touchstone, Audrey and Corin.

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As You Like It: Opening Approaches!

We are about two weeks away from opening night. That means scripts are gone, costumes are being adjusted, lights are being hung, and tickets are being sold! It’s an exciting and busy time for us.

Recently, I was lucky enough to get some photos from Technical Director Charles Raffetto that show the evolution of the set for As You Like It. Students in the afternoon program in technical theatre are working tirelessly to bring the Forest of Arden to life on the Williston stage. I managed to sneak into the costume shop to grab a few pictures of the original creations costume designer Ilene Goldstein has made for the show. Here are a few snapshots of our progress.

Boxes of artificial flowers that will ultimately adorn the stage.
Boxes of artificial flowers that will ultimately adorn the stage.
Technical theatre students carve foam that will become the stone wall in the forest.
Technical theatre students carve foam that will become the stone wall in the forest.
Students secure the lining for the forest pond.
Students secure the lining for the forest pond.
Some fantastic lighting rigged inside the piano.
Some fantastic lighting rigged inside the piano.
Costume designer Ilene Goldstein recently finished creating this masterpiece for court fool Touchstone (Calvin Ticknor-Swanson) from scratch.
Costume designer Ilene Goldstein recently finished creating this masterpiece for court fool Touchstone (Calvin Ticknor-Swanson).
Rosalind (Melissa Falcone) will wear this original creation in the palace of Duke Frederick.
Rosalind (Melissa Falcone) will wear this original creation in the palace of Duke Frederick.



As You Like It- The Director’s Homework

It would never occur to me that someone might think I could walk into a rehearsal for As You Like It and know everything there is to know about a scene. But that’s exactly what happened a few weeks back. We were working a joke- one that is particularly complicated. (Without giving too much away it has to do with mustard, pancakes, and the Queen.) We discussed the historical references in the joke, which goes on for about half a page, line by line. At a certain point I asked the group if there were any questions. One student said, with an incredulous look on their face, “Yes…how do you know all that?”

I have lived with Shakespeare all my life. Yet, even still, when I pick up a play I haven’t read in a while much of the meaning eludes me. I am not afraid to admit this.  I actually want people to know how much I don’t know. This might sound odd coming from an educator (aren’t we supposed to know everything?) but I think it’s the key to helping others fall in love with Shakespeare as much as I have. We shy away from Shakespeare because it’s a little scary. We are afraid of being the only person in the room who doesn’t “get it” when in fact, most of us don’t get it. But once we get over the fact that none of us gets it, we can embark on the task of getting it.

In that spirit, I shared with my students exactly how I “know all that:” I spend about two hours with my script before each rehearsal going through the words line by line. I have two versions of the play with me (Norton Critical and Folger), a Shakespeare Glossary, my own research, a pencil, my script, and the internet. Between these tools I can guarantee that I will do my job in understanding what every character is saying. This information passes from me to the actors who then get to put their own spin on things. And that’s exactly what happened after we figured out what the business was with the pancakes and the mustard.

My tools.
My tools: two editions of the play, my script, computer, notes, two different kinds of post-its. and a pencil.


As You Like It: Snapshots of Rehearsal

While As You Like It doesn’t open until mid-April, actors, dancers, musicians and designers are already hard at work bringing the play to life. It takes time to tackle Shakespeare’s language, build a set that will transport audiences to the forest of Arden, and to learn music and dances that will bring the spirit of the forest to life. (If you are wondering what dancers and musicians are doing in a Shakespeare play, As You Like It may be the closest thing Shakespeare gets to a musical. Luckily our trusty creative team from Urinetown, music director Joshua Harper and choreographer Debra Vega, are on board! More on that in another post.)

Below you will find a few snapshots of the actors working to bring the play to life through blocking and a sneak peak of the set which is being built as we speak.

The set is coming to life. Under the watchful eye of technical director and set designer Charles Raffetto, students in tech. theatre have been building the set for As You Like It, which will feature these hanging windows.
Under the watchful eye of technical director and set designer Charles Raffetto, students in tech. theatre have been building the set for As You Like It, which will feature these hanging windows.


Fight director Jeff Lord teaches members of the cast (Henning Fischel '17 and Sarah Lucia '16) how to catch Orlando (John Kay '15) during the wrestling scene.
“If I had a thunderbolt in mine eye,  I can tell who should down.”Fight director Jeff Lord teaches members of the cast (Henning Fischel ’17 and Sarah Lucia ’16) how to catch John Kay ’15(Orlando) during the wrestling scene in Act 1, Scene 2.


"There are none of my uncle's marks upon you: he taught me how to know a man in love; in which cage of rushes I am sure you are not prisoner." Melissa Falcone '15 (Rosalind) and John Kay '15 (Orlando) work on their blocking for Act 3, Scene 2.
“There are none of my uncle’s marks upon you: he taught me how to know a man in love; in which cage of rushes I am sure you are not prisoner.”
Melissa Falcone ’15 (Rosalind) and John Kay ’15 (Orlando) work on their blocking for Act 3, Scene 2.


Theater Lab: Final Preparations

We open this Friday and as we head into the last couple of rehearsals, the students are all working hard to tie up loose ends, and make sure the backstage work is fully integrated with the onstage action. I took some video and wanted to share it here so that you can see what we have been up recently in order to get these one acts ready for our audiences. Much of it is behind the scenes, but I’ve included a tiny teaser for 2 of the 4 plays. So get your tickets and we’ll see you this weekend!


Crafting the Costume Design

Located within the deepest depths of Scott Hall is an integral part of making theater magic at the Williston Northampton School. I am talking, of course, about the amazing Costume Shop. 


The costume shop at Williston consists of two rooms that are located under the main theater facility and technical production shop in Scott Hall. Ilene Goldstein is the costume designer for the Williston Theater and is the main presence within the Costume Shop. She runs an after school program within the Technical Theater afternoon program option where students learn sewing techniques in order to help create the costumes that are used in Williston productions. Ilene, however, can often be found in the costume shop most hours of the day working tirelessly on the amazing costumes that grace the Williston stage.

 Within the first room of the Costume shop anything from sewing machines to ironing boards and even a washing machine can be found and are used in order to make the costumes for the Williston Theater the best they can possibly be. In the second room is the Costume Closet, in which almost all of the costumes Williston has ever used reside. It is here that the journey of two new costume designers within the Theater Lab program begins. 

IMG_6954Roya Mostafavi and I are the two costume designers for the one act theater productions taking place this winter within the Theater Lab program. It is our job as costume designers to know the visions of all four directors, and to craft costumes that are suitable to the place, time, season, setting and theme of the director’s productions. Both Roya and I have only rudimentary sewing skills, so it is incredibly fortunate that we are not personally making the costumes from scratch for our various productions. Instead we must both dive into the many aisles and shelves within Williston’s vast costume shop and pull anything and everything that we feel would suit and fit an actor and their character. 

Gathering the costumes for all four of the plays being produced as part of Theater Lab has been a very collaborative process. The directors, Ilene, Roya and I have all had to come together in order to bring to fruition the visions of each director. Whether it was improvising a full clown costume or trying to find clothes to fit a high powered New York lawyer; the process of finding costumes for all four shows has certainly kept us all on our toes. Even within the extensive collection of the Williston Costume Shop some items have been too difficult to find. Luckily, just a five minute walk from the theater lives a small thrift shop by the name of The Parsons’s Closet. It was here the Roya and I were able to buy many necessary parts for the various costumes we were working on. Through the many on and off campus resources, and the amazing guidance of Ilene, Roya and I have almost completed every costume for the Theater Lab productions, and I must say I am very proud of our results thus far. 


Overall, it has been a very fun process having input into the costume designs of a theater production. When acting I never felt truly in character until I put on my costume, so it has been a great privilege to be able to create the vessel that will carry all of the actors into the imaginary world of their shows.  – Noah Jackson ’15

As You Like It: A Scholar’s Perspective

Dr. Adam Zucker, UMass professor of English and author of The Places of Wit in Early Modern English Comedy, visits the cast of As You Like It on Thursday 1/22.
Dr. Adam Zucker, UMass professor of English and author of The Places of Wit in Early Modern English Comedy, visits the cast of As You Like It on Thursday 1/22.

It would be naive to think that Shakespeare’s plays, and his comedies in particular, are not challenging for audiences. The language itself is foreign and the humor based on events that happened nearly 500 years ago. Directors are willing to put these difficulties aside because we are drawn to the way Shakespeare understands the human condition, but we  can’t forget for a moment that audiences will never understand the truths Shakespeare illuminates unless actors have a clear vision of the entire world of the play.

In As You Like It, which is admittedly a play about ideas, it is even more critical. What do Touchstone’s jokes even mean? Why is Duke Senior such a nice guy? Why is Corin so bitter? Why is Jaques obsessed with Touchstone? Our actors must know the answers to these questions—amongst a host of others.

Luckily, Shakespeare scholar and UMass professor Dr. Adam Zucker came to illuminate some of these mysteries. His presentation, which was weighted equally with humor and practical advice, gave our actors terrific context in which to place Shakespeare’s play and characters.

Dr. Zucker explained the importance of the pastoral poem to As You Like It, the role of the clown in Shakespeare’s plays, and the subversive politics presented in the play. No presentation on Elizabethan England would be complete without a discussion of patriarchy which, in As You Like It, impacts relationships between brothers as well as between sexes.

After Dr. Zucker’s visit, the cast embarked on starting character work: the time when actors get to sort out who their characters are, what has shaped their vision of the world, and what they want most in life.

Armed with a new context in which to look at their roles, the characters became living, breathing, three-dimensional human beings, not sketches of characters written centuries ago.