Stories and updates from around campus

Student Short Story Garners Scholastic Praise

Sophia Schaefer’s Sailing Tale Earns an Honorable Mention in Boston Globe Scholastic Contest
Photo courtesy of Sophia Schaefer
Photo courtesy of Sophia Schaefer

“’Up from the meadows rich with corn, clear in the cool September morn, the clustered spires of Frederick stand, green walled by the hills of Maryland.’ My grandfather muttered this as the race horn sounded.”

So begins ninth grader Sophia Schaefer’s tale of wind and weather, of relationships that run as deep as an ocean current, and of charting your own course—even if no one (or everyone) is following you.

Originally created as an assignment for her Williston Northampton humanities class last spring, Ms. Schaefer’s short story, “Great Day for a Race,” was recently recognized by the Boston Globe Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, where it received an honorable mention. The Boston contest is the regional division of a national program that recognizes creative middle and high school students.

Ms. Schaefer’s fictional story, which was based on an interview with her grandmother, was among 20,000 submissions, including 1,750 written pieces, from more than 8,000 students, according to the Boston Globe.

English teacher Doug Niedzwecki said Ms. Schaefer’s story had stood out for its balance of detail and authentic voice.

“I do recall clearly how well Sophia integrated the emotional feeling of how memorable and meaningful the past can be as seen through another’s eyes,” he wrote in an email. “’Great Day For a Race’ is an exceptional short story, and I am especially happy that Sophia enjoyed the writing process so much.”

Read “Great Day for a Race” here.

Diversity Symposium to Focus on Three Central Words

Diversity Conference 2014. Photo by Matthew Cavanaugh
Diversity Conference 2014. Photo by Matthew Cavanaugh

For the past 13 years, the Williston Northampton School has set aside a special day to celebrate diversity in all its forms through special keynotes and community workshops. This year, the title of the event changed from “Diversity Conference” to “Diversity Symposium,” a nod to how much the event has grown. The symposium, entitled  “Finding Your Purpose, Passion & Integrity,” will feature three keynotes and over 40 workshops, including eight with special guests.

“We are excited to have all members of our school community hear presentations directly relating to those three words central to Williston Northampton’s mission statement and strategic initiatives,” wrote Director of International Student Programs Meg Valine, who organized the event with Assistant Director of Admissions and Director of Diversity Michael Shelton.

“[We] encourage everyone to pause, think, listen and reflect on how these three words from the school’s mission statement impact our lives,” she wrote.

Diversity Conference 2014. Photo by Matthew Cavanaugh
Diversity Conference 2014. Photo by Matthew Cavanaugh

The Diversity Symposium will begin on  Thursday, February 19, with a keynote address at 7:30 pm in the Chapel. Speaker Thomas Smith, who will be addressing the theme of “Purpose,” is a former ice hockey player and has twice been paralyzed. Through his determination and hard work, he has regained much of his mobility and has since started a foundation to advocate for paralysis victims. He is also one of the individuals responsible for the “look-up lines” appearing in ice rinks across the country. Following his presentation will be a reception.

Friday starts with a series of student speakers addressing “Passion” at 8:30 a.m. in the Chapel. Students and faculty will then attend a morning workshop, meet as an advisory for discussion, have lunch, and then head into an afternoon workshop. The event concludes with our third keynote address on “integrity,” presented by Kerrita Mayfield, Ph.D., a long-time educator.

“The symposium offers a great opportunity for us to stretch ourselves, to learn new things, and to support members of our community,”  noted Dean of Faculty Peter Valine.

Read on about the Diversity Symposium’s featured guests:

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Two Williston Students Named National Merit Finalists

Emily R. Peirent and Callum S. Poulin were recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation
Photo by Dennis Crommett

The National Merit Scholarship Corporation announced this week that two Williston Northampton School seniors have been selected as National Merit finalists.

Emily R. Peirent and Callum S. Poulin had been named semifinalists in the 2015 National Merit Scholarship Program in September. The finalist designation means that they are now eligible for a merit scholarship, which will be announced this spring.

Mr. Poulin has received awards in boys junior varsity skiing and Latin; Ms. Peirent received the Asahel Lyman Williston prize in English last year, a commendation for her work on The Log, and was inducted into the Cum Laude Society this fall.

For receiving the finalist designation, Ms. Peirent and Mr. Poulin will be honored during an Upper School assembly on February 18 and will be presented with certificates of merit.

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Political Awareness Club to Host Andrew Zimbalist

The Smith College professor will address whether Massachusetts should host the Olympics.

A renowned economist, who has been described as one of America’s most influential sports educators, will be the guest speaker at the next Political Awareness Club event at the Williston Northampton School.

Andrew Zimbalist, a Smith College professor and author, will speak to students and faculty on February 26 at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Zimbalist will address the question of whether Massachusetts should host the Olympics. He will also talk about his latest book, Circus Maximus: The Economic Gamble Behind Hosting the Olympics and the World Cup.

Mr. Zimbalist is the Robert A. Woods professor of economics at Smith College and a member of the Five College Graduate Faculty. He has published 22 books and several dozen articles primarily in the areas of comparative economic systems, economic development, and sports economics.

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Williston Northampton Launches New App

IMG_4663We’ve launched a new Williston Northampton School app! We’re excited to unveil this new tool for parents and students, and we hope it helps keep Williston at your fingertips.

Check it out here.

Last spring, we partnered with Finalsite to create a new mobile experience for our community. Now we’re proud to announce that we’ve made it even easier to get news and updates from the school. Our app is ready—and we want you to take it for a spin!

To find the app, search for “Williston Northampton School” in the Apple iTunes store (look for the school’s logo). The first time you open it, the app will take you through a fast, three-step demo.

So, what’s new?

IMG_4669The school app has been designed with our website in mind, and has a fresh, modern (yet still Williston) look. To give you the convenient access to all of our most important information, we’ve integrated the app with our website calendars, news articles, athletic events, and social media.

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Stories and updates from around campus