Sydney Sainte ’10 Profiled in Trinidad and Tobago Publication

The 22-year-old actor and teacher Sydney Sainte was the subject of a recent profile in Trinidad and Tobago’s Newsday,Daughter of former local broadcaster makes it to NY stage.”

Ms. Sainte is the daughter of former Trinidad and Tobago radio and television personality, Gail Bindley-Taylor. She graduated from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts in 2014 and currently teaches drama at the Atlantic Acting School in Manhattan.  Earlier this year, she was featured in the Off, Off Broadway production “Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner.” She has also written a favorably received Off-Off Broadway production called “Indirect Objects.”

“It was received very, very well,” Ms. Sainte told Newsday. “Unfortunately, and this is how crazy my life is, I couldn’t go … I couldn’t even see my play; I went to the rehearsals but I couldn’t go because I was working.”

“So drama I think, is a beautiful thing for my personality in that I’m a very extroverted person and I love people,” she said in the interview. “Once you get on the stage, that extrovertedness and openness and people-loving has to come out because if it doesn’t … you’re watching somebody who’s not sharing their performance with you.”

Read the full article here.

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