Kate Nocera ’01 Honored by National Press Foundation

Photo courtesy of Julie Rose
Photo courtesy of Julie Rose

Kate Nocera was one of three BuzzFeed News journalists honored by the National Press Foundation recently. Ms. Nocera and colleagues Gregory Johnsen, and John Stanton received an Everett McKinley Dirksen Award for Distinguished Coverage of Congress for their piece “60 Words and A War Without End.”

According to a press release by BuzzFeed, the NPF judges said: “BuzzFeed’s 10,500-word article is a magisterial account of a 60-word congressional resolution, the vaguely worded language that authorized military action against the ‘nations, organizations, or persons’ deemed responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The consequences of that resolution, passed with only a single dissenting vote, continue to reverberate across the globe. BuzzFeed captures the historic drama of that moment and all that has happened since, from Capitol Hill to the offices of Executive Branch lawyers to the targets of U.S. commando attacks in Libya and Somalia. The details are unforgettable—and so is the unsparing focus on how the Bush and Obama administrations have each used these 60 words, ‘unbound by time and unlimited by geography,’ to wage a global war with no clear rules and no visible end.”

Ms. Nocera is the senior congressional correspondent for Buzzfeed, and has worked for the New York Daily News and Politico.

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