Spring Break Adventures in Florida

For our spring break this March, Williston Northampton Alumni office staff criss-crossed Florida, visiting with alumni and soaking up some much-missed sunshine. On Sunday, March 11, alumni, parents and friends enjoyed a brunch on the water at the Naples Yacht Club. Trustee Mijanou Spurdle ’86 shared the progress on the Williston Northampton Builds initiative as the new dorm nears completion and the plans for a new residential quad move forward. Williston Academy class of ’65 welcomed a very special visitor, Alice Childs P’65 who very much enjoyed the afternoon with “the boys of ’65” including trustee Kevin Hoben, Ned Lynch, Teak Kelley, and Bill Burkhardt. The Northampton School for Girls was represented by Laurie Fischer Heflin ’67.  Ray Brown ’55 and Gove Effinger represented former faculty. 
Naples Yacht Club brunch attendees from left, seated:  
Ned Lynch ’65, Alice Childs P’65, Kevin Hoben ’65, Mijanou Malise Spurdle ’86; second row Marjorie and Gove Effinger, Jack Hefflin ’64, Jen Grossman Lugo ’85, Craig Spurdle ’86, Mario De Souza ’01, Liz Bloch ’79; back row: Bill Burkhardt ’65, Teak Kelley ’65, Alan Branch P’98, 01, Ray Brown ’55, Lynell Branch P’98, ’01, Don Raymond ’61, Cathleen Robinson, Marjorie and Jack Fenny ’56, Laurie Fischer Heflin ’65

Alice Childs P’65 and “the boys of ’65” from left, seated: Ned Lynch, Alice Childs, Kevin Hoben; standing: Teak Kelley, Bill Burkhardt.

After a quick lunch in Sarasota with Denny Fuller ’58 and Stu Thomson ’54 it was across the state to West Palm Beach where Board Chair John Hazen White, Jr. ’76 sponsored a cocktail reception at the West Palm Beach Yacht Club. While business duties kept John on the snowy east coast, trustee and Finance Committee Chair, Kevin Hoben ’65 graciously hosted the evening and shared his vision of Williston Northampton as a school on the move with the more than 50 guests. It was great to see every decade from the ’50s to the 2000s represented, with snowbirds and locals alike braving the brisk breeze to enjoy cocktails on the deck.


From left to right, top to bottom:

Kevin Hoben ’65 shares news from campus with guests

Andrew Salguero ’96 and Jason Bornstein ’96

Gordon Cadwgan ’63, Eric Yates P’17, ’21, and Ruth Cadwgan

Mario De Souza ’01, Tom LaSalle ’60, and Bill Hastings ’60

Eric Yates P’17, ’21, Jeffrey and Monica Hecht P’18

Lynn Goddess and Bob Stone ’56

The next morning we were back in the car heading up to Vero Beach where Steve Holcomb ’65 hosted a luncheon at the Orchid Island Golf Club. Although a last minute commitment kept Steve from joining his own lunch, his guests enjoyed relaxing on the terrace and watching the large flock of white pelicans that make their home on the beautiful grounds.

Lunch at Orchid Island Golf Club l to r: Doug Watson ’65, Rob Hill ’67, Janet LeBeau Hill ’67, Bob Kawecki ’66 and Vickie Kawecki

With a forecast for back to back (to back) Nor’Easters, it was hard to get on a plane and head back to New England. We consoled ourselves with the knowledge that it is just eleven short months until Spring Break rolls around again.

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