Athletes of the Week – October 7th

hohmannDSC_0161Gabe Hohmann ‘14

Gabe ran 18:18 and was third for the boys’ cross country team this week. He has moved from the team’s 7th runner to 3rd in the last two weeks.  He has pushed himself in practice and has challenged others to go with him.  He has been a leader during the week at practices and has been moving up because of his hard work!



Caroline Musicant ‘17 and Ellie Pitcher ‘17

UnknownCaroline (coxswain) and Ellie (rower) were part of a boat that won first place (1st out of 11 novice boats) at the 4th annual New England Junior and High School Regional Championship Regatta in Worcester, MA. Caroline and Ellie are used to coxing and rowing, respectively, in an 8 person boat. During practice last week, they were asked to switch into a 4 (coxed, 4 person boat), only having two days to practice together with three other girls. Caroline did an outstanding job of coxing a new boat, which can be very challenging as each boat has a unique feel to it. It takes great leadership to lead a set of rowers that cannot see the direction in which they are going. Ellie has been working very hard to synchronize her stroke rating and technique with her teammates.


Nick Hill ‘17

Cross country runner Nick Hill improved his best time by over two minutes to 19:27 on Saturday.  He has started to run with the top group in the past week and has become more serious about his efforts, which helped earn him a great time on Saturday.


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