Athletes of the Week

Abood Abuissa ’18- Boys Varsity Basketball

Abood’s inspired play has been instrumental in leading varsity boys basketball to a 3-0 start this season.   In consecutive wins over AA schools Gould Academy and Wilbraham & Monson Academy, Abood made a number of “winning plays” on both ends of the court to spark his team.  His infectious positive energy and leadership have made a tremendous difference in helping the team get off to a great start.

Julia MacLean ’18- Girls Varsity Hockey

Julia has been a valuable member of the team so far this season as she has been a threat both offensively and defensively.  This year Julia scored our first goal against Millbrook, which was in the opening minutes on a power play.  This goal proved to be the game winner for the Wildcats. Last Wednesday, the team faced an excellent goaltender from Cushing, who pushed the game into overtime. It was Julia that came up with a big shot from the point to score the game winning goal.  Julia is consistently composed and reliable in all situations.  The Wildcats will look to her for her strong leadership and play making ability for the remainder of the season.

Natalie Romain ‘18- Girls Varsity Basketball

Natalie had an outstanding first week of play for the Wildcats. Her efforts and determination have been second to none and it has paid off greatly. In the teams 2 games last week she managed to score nearly 20 points, pulled down 18 rebounds, and provided a constant force in the paint for the Wildcats. Natalie is an incredibly supportive teammate and is the first to pick up, cheer on, and encourage her peers. Her team will continue to look to her for her leadership ability for the rest of the season.


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