Natalia Baum Scores 1000th Career Point

baum 1000DSC_1009Natalia Baum ’15 scored her 1000th career point today in Williston’s girls’ varsity basketball game against Loomis Chaffee School. Baum, who entered the game needing eight points to reach 1000, scored the basket on a lay-up midway through the first half. She becomes the eighth player in school history to break the 1000 point mark.

Williston’s 1000 Point Scorers

Mark Timm ’76

Debbie Healy ’91

nat 1000 signsDSC_0107Abby Ouimet ’99

Colleen Hession ’02

Darrell Harrison ’05

Karly Gray ’06

Kristina Conroy ’10

Natalia Baum ’15


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