Rob Champigny ’18 Sets Boys Cross Country Record

Sophomore runner is first all-time on the team’s Honor Roll

champignyOn October 31, during a beautiful fall afternoon, sophomore Rob Champigny set a blistering pace on the Williston Northampton home course during the Shaler Invitational. He would ultimately break Williston’s Boys Cross Country’s Honor Roll record with a time of 15:42,  crushing the first-place mark of 15:57 set by Evan Jacobson three years ago.

Rob is only in his second year running with the cross country team, and he has already achieved a great deal of success.  With five wins, one second-place finish, and one third-place finish this season, he has helped lead the boys team to a 12-1 record.  As he gears up for the New England Championship this weekend, Rob talked about his record-breaking season.

What did it feel like breaking the honor roll record?

I was so overjoyed when I broke the honor roll record.  I am so happy that I will have my name written in Williston history. I have to thank my coaches and teammates so much for pushing me to be the best I can be.

Did you train at all during the summer to prepare for the season?

I did some training. I wanted to do enough training where I was in shape, but still fresh. I did some running, and I did a lot of biking. I like biking because it got my legs in really good shape for hills. Along with that, I did some working out, so I was in good shape coming into the season.  I respect what Nick Hill did this summer a lot because he ran 400 miles! He is an excellent long-distance runner, but for me, personally, I cannot run that many miles and maintain my weight for lacrosse.

I have heard that you like to lead the race early on.  Why is that?

I like to lead races because it gives me a feel for who wants to compete.  I want to know which kids are going to be the real racers.  I get out quick to try to burn them out, and then I try to maintain that pace to hold the lead throughout the race.  I do use other strategies as well. At Westminster, I pushed the pace for the first half mile, and then Nick and I dropped back and let a group of three runners go in front of us. Then we attacked them on the hills, and we glided by them to finish up first and second.

How do you and Nick push each other?

We are teammates and really good friends, but we are both competitors. Last year he was about 40 seconds behind me, and this year he is right on my heels. He has beat me in a couple of races this year, so he is a very good competitor. We consistently push each other to be the best we can be, and we are both trying to be that number one spot on the honor roll.  When Nick and I push each other, the other kids behind us push themselves to be the best they can be, and that helps the team.

What were the team’s goals for the season?

Our main goal at the beginning of the season was to win New Englands. We also wanted to be undefeated, but we hit a rough patch against NMH, which is a Class A team with very strong runners. They have two very strong kids, so unfortunately, we are not undefeated, but we are just focused on New Englands now.

What makes you such a strong competitor?

I have been raised to be a strong competitor, and I get very competitive about certain things, like school and sports.  It really comes out in cross country, where I just need to win. I am in a different mindset and something goes off in me where I say to myself, ‘There is someone in front of me, and I don’t want that person in front of me. I want to be in front!’ and I just do it.

How do you push through pain during races?

I listen to music before races, and I keep it in my head throughout the race. I go through mental and physical challenges when running, and I have to block those both out. I tell myself that I am going to do this, work as hard as I can, and I am going to feel great afterwards.

What do you think other Williston athletes could learn from your experience running cross country?

If you’re going through pain, you have to remind yourself that it is only a short moment of pain, and you’re going to be just fine. You’re going to get through that pain if you push through it, and you’re going to come out better, stronger, and a winner.

Has your experience at Williston helped you become a better competitor?

Absolutely! Running cross country has made me a much stronger competitor.  Coach Talbot, Coach Gunn, and Coach Pelliccia know me really well, and they know the strategy I should run with. They are some of the best coaches I have ever had.  Cross Country has also helped me push myself in the classroom.  I want to achieve high grades as well, so I push myself as much as possible to get the best grades I can.

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