Category Archives: Visiting Speakers

Snap-Judgement Society: Dr. Hinduja Counsels Cyber Caution to Williston Students, Parents

120403 0828Dr. Sameer Hinduja believes that modern technology can be useful—but only if it’s used in a responsible, positive way.

The co-director of the Cyberbullying Research Center shared that message with The Williston Northampton School community this week. An evening presentation on Monday, April 2, was designed for parents, followed by a talk at all-school assembly on Tuesday morning.

In the evening, Dr. Hinduja encouraged parents to talk to their sons and daughters about online activity. He urged them to be involved and set ground rules.

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Cyberbullying Expert Sameer Hinduja to Speak to Parents and Students

Dr. Sameer Hinduja will visit The Williston Northampton School on Monday, April 2 and Tuesday, April 3.

Dr. Hinduja, an Associate Professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida Atlantic University and Co-Director of the Cyberbulling Research Center, works nationally and internationally with the public and private sectors to reduce online victimization and its consequences.

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Pulitzer Prize Winning Photographer Nancy Siesel to Visit Williston

dianaPhotographer Nancy Siesel will speak at The Williston Northampton School on Thursday, February 23, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. Ms. Siesel’s visit is part of the School’s annual Photographers’ Lecture Series.

A former staff photographer for The New York Times, Ms. Siesel has a deep interest in the transformative power of documentary photography.

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Screenwriter Jim Fernald ’81 to Visit Campus

JimMINIJim Fernald ’81 is a scriptwriter and former Hollywood development executive now teaching screenwriting at the European Film College in Denmark. In Los Angeles, he worked for several companies, including Centropolis, which made Independence Day, Stargate, and The Patriot, and Carsey-Werner, the producers of the television series “3rd Rock from the Sun,” “Roseanne,” and “The Cosby Show.”

Mr. Fernald will be visiting Williston Northampton on Friday, February 17, 2012, to participate in classes and have lunch with interested students, faculty, and staff in the Cox Room from 12:00 – 1:10 p.m. Those interested in joining Mr. Fernald for lunch should contact Melanie Sage, director of alumni relations. [This event is now closed.]

Williston Northampton’s 10th Diversity Conference

ackmannJournalist, author, and Mount Holyoke College professor, Dr. Martha Ackmann has been chosen as the keynote speaker for Williston Northampton School’s 10th annual Diversity Conference on Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 8:30 AM.

Dr. Ackmann, who teaches in Mount Holyoke’s Gender Studies and English departments, is the author of The Mercury 13: the True Story of Thirteen Women and the Dream of Space Flight and Curveball: The Remarkable Story of Toni Stone, the First Woman to Play Professional Baseball in the Negro League.

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