On Monday, May 23, students in all sections of World Civilizations will present their work at The Williston Northampton School’s fourth annual Africa Museum. The event is free, open to the public, and parents are encouraged to attend. The museum opens at 6:00 p.m. in the Athletic Center at 80 Park Street. At 7:00 p.m. the speaker portion of the program, featuring two Williston faculty members, will begin.
At the Africa Museum, students present their work in the format of a science fair with original, interactive displays. This year, the World Civilizations unit on Africa focused on the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Each section of the course has been looking at a different goal and assessing how far the UN has come, as well as what still needs to be done to reach the goal.
Two members of the Williston community will speak at 7:00 p.m. regarding their experiences studying and living in Africa. Music teacher Ben Demerath studied music in Ghana through This World Music and UMass Amherst Drum & Dance Cultural Field Study. English teacher Janice Hanley lived in Liberia in the 1970s while she and her husband served in the Peace Corps.
View a slideshow of last year’s Africa Museum.