What are you most thankful for?

by Team Beat Writer & Reporter Nate Gordon ’16

In the spirit of the holiday, I asked the members of the team what they are most thankful for from family to school to sports and everything in between. Here are what those who responded said:

Junior Forward Brandon Borges: I am most thankful for being home on break with my family, and for the bice [bros/boys] on the team, love those boys.

Junior Defenseman Nick Staub: I am most thankful for my family. Other than the old age we are all healthy and definitely all happy. We always get to spend the holidays together. And when one of us leaves like when I go off to school the family is always happy when I’m back. My family can be my rock when things aren’t going well. I would do anything for my family just how they would do anything for me.  That’s why they are so important to me.

Senior Forward Matt Arnold: I’m thankful I have somewhere warm to go during the winter breaks which is Florida.

Junior Forward Tyler Scroggins: Thankful for family and friends.

Senior Forward Max Willman: I’m thankful for the support of my family and friends!

Junior Forward Jack Gethings: I’m thankful for my friends and family.

Sophomore Defenseman Nick Garofano: I am most thankful for my teammates, friends and family who support and love me as much as I do them. Sophomore Defenseman Nick Garofano

Junior Forward Will Flynn: I’m thankful for having  the opportunity to study and play hockey for Williston because I’m getting better in English, I have a lot of new friends that I will stay in touch with after Williston and it is a good experience to live far from Montreal. I’m also thankful for being part of a great team where everyone wants to win and does what it takes to become better individually. All the new guys are a positive addition to our team and I think that after this  season, people will have a lot more respect for our program.


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