Stories and updates from around campus

Williston’s Year Begins With Welcome Days

10557428463_4385727194_zThis year, the Williston Northampton School is unveiling a new approach to the start of school, called Welcome Days.

After hearing from families that the growing number of checkpoints and stations during registration were causing delays, Williston’s administration decided to speed up the process.

Rather than going through multi-stage registration in the Reed Campus Center, families will instead stop briefly in the Grubbs Gallery to confirm that they have completed their health forms, permissions, and payments.

They will then proceed to the Dodge Room, where they will receive a tote bag with their new Surface, pre-loaded with required programs; their room keys or key cards and IDs, also known as Sammy Cards; the Student Handbook; and their academic schedules.

Director of Parent Relations Rachel Goldberg said she hopes Welcome Days will help families get right to the most important stage—meeting faculty and moving in.

“The process will become streamlined because they’ll be able to do it all beforehand,” she said. “Families will have the opportunity to meet with faculty, advisors, and dorm parents…they’ll get to connect with adults in the community and do more things that are important to them.”

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The Security at the Heart of Things

This summer, Security Manager Anne O'Connor and her team have been quietly rolling out significant improvements across campus
Six members of Williston’s security staff at their OC training

It was a typical summer morning for Security Manager Anne O’Connor. She began the day by clambering across the Reed Campus Center roof, looking for a good place to put a new emergency siren system. By that afternoon, she was checking in on a delivery of two new bicycles before heading over to the Easthampton Police Department for a face full of pepper spray as part of a safety training course.

Williston’s security manager, who joined the school last summer, admits that she’s been busy over the past couple of months.

“It’s been a busy, progressive year,” she said. “And I don’t see any slow down as far as our moving forward with security on campus.”

Since her hire last August, Ms. O’Connor has been quietly implementing a series of wide-ranging changes to the school’s security department. Those upgrades have included multiple new systems, equipment upgrades, changes to campus policies, and a series of training sessions that she hopes will not only create closer ties between the Easthampton emergency services and the school, but also strengthen the bonds between the security department as a whole.

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Brody Presents War Photography at Williston Series

Ben Brody Photographers Lecture Series 1Many of the images were bleak: sunburned soldiers sprawled over their cots in the crushing desert heat; deep drifts of sand with boot tracks leading to three green Port-o-johns; an Afghan solider in a doorway below an ominous mound of sandbags with a transistor radio pressed to his ear.

Then there was an American soldier standing in a lush field, exhaustion written all over his face. The temperatures had reached 120 degrees that day, and the men had been carrying 100 pounds of gear through dense, humid fields.

Photographer Ben Brody took a long look at the picture, projected onto a screen in the Dodge Room, Reed Campus Center, where he was presenting the last seminar in the 2014 Photographer Lecture Series.

“He was killed six weeks after I took this photo,” Mr. Brody explained of the solider whose portrait he had taken.

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Work at Your Dream, Moser Tells Students at 173rd Commencement

“If you don’t have a dream, how you gon’ have a dream come true?”

As the sounds of the 173rd Commencement processional faded on the Quad, Commencement speaker (and former faculty member) Barry Moser conjured those words from the musical South Pacific, in his speech on dreams, work, and action.

Photo by Matthew Cavanaugh

Mr. Moser noted that despite being discouraged, forcefully, early on—by a father who said he couldn’t make a living that way, by the military school teachers who beat him when he was caught sketching—he never stopped drawing, or dreaming.

“And today I make a comfortable living. I live with my wonderful wife in a big house in the woods that’s full of life and love and art and music and poetry and literature and books,” Mr. Moser said.

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Academic Awards 2014


Photo by Matthew Cavanaugh
Photo by Matthew Cavanaugh

On a soggy Saturday under the tent, Head of School Robert W. Hill III commended students for their “dedication, commitment, hard work, persistence” over the past year.

“Each of us holds these latent potentials,” he told the assembled students and teachers at the annual Academic Award ceremony on May 24. “And so it is this morning, as we recognize truly remarkable academic performance, that I am reminded of the collective whole, that all of us under this tent make each one of us better”

Read the full text of Mr. Hill’s speech here.

See more photos on Flickr or watch the full Academic Awards ceremony below.

Awards Quick List

Introductory Prizes
Fine and Performing Arts
Additional Awards
School Awards

Spring Athletic Awards (presented May 23, 2014)
Cum Laude Inductees (presented January 17, 2014 and May 25, 2014)

Introductory Prizes

Whenever a student is enrolled at Williston Northampton for a defined period or program which does not qualify him or her for a diploma, and that period or program is completed successfully, the school presents an equivalent certificate of academic achievement. Seniors will be recognized at graduation. The following underclassmen are awarded that certificate:

Kazuho Ishii
Julie Lord
Carl “Ben” Scheifele

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Stories and updates from around campus