Editor’s note: Northwestern District Attorney David Sullivan P’08, ’10 presented the following address at the Williston Northampton School on September 16, 2013.
Head of School Mr. Hill, esteemed faculty, proud parents, and honored students, good evening. I am honored to be here tonight. I am pleased to share in the excitement and promise of a new academic year at Williston Northampton School.
Tonight, I’d like to share some thoughts with our gathered students. Don’t worry, you don’t need to take notes. There’ll be no test.
I only ask that you stay awake until I pull the winning student’s name for a semester of free bagels at Tandem Bagel Company—makers of the best bagels in Western Massachusetts. Yes, a shameless plug, but one of the few benefits of having the podium.
The Williston Northampton School is very special to me. I hope it is for you. I am a grateful parent of two Williston alums. My oldest daughters, Marie and Annie, graduated from the Middle and Upper Schools. Williston teachers, staff, coaches, and fellow students guided them through their educational journey and young adulthood. Although challenging at times, their Williston experience gave them the tools to become engaged thinkers and better people.
I’d like to start my address with a big thank you to all the teachers, coaches, administrators, maintenance, dining hall, and support staff that make a difference each day in the lives of Williston students.
Another big thank you is for the parents and grandparents who make enormous sacrifices to invest in your future.
Living for over 20 years on Taft Ave, next to Williston’s playing fields, the sounds of whistles tooting, horns blowing, and fans cheering has been music to my ears. Each September, the quiet of summer yields to the joyful sounds of athletic endeavors. These sounds of autumn signal a new beginning for students, teachers, staff, and the community.
Convocation ushers in a new beginning with great possibilities.
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