Senior Dinner Speech by Maddy Stern ’14

Editor’s note: Senior Class President Maddy Stern gave the following speech during Senior Dinner on May 9, 2014.

In a college interview someone asked me to describe Williston. “Well it’s a small New England prep school, we have a really nice pond, 60 percent boarders, 40 percent day students…” She responded “Yes, I am familiar with prep schools, sounds like Deerfield. Tell me why you love Williston, what are the most important things I should know about it?”

Well I don’t think Deerfield has a pond…and I couldn’t even imagine comparing Williston to any other school. I’ve been at Williston for six years now, that’s approximately 2,000 meals in the dining hall, easily 1,500 coffee runs, probably hundreds of extra help sessions and 54 months with the class of 2014. That’s a pretty sizable amount of time. So I was surprised when I couldn’t answer right away.

How could I describe Williston to someone who didn’t know what it meant to visit the Writing Center for the snacks, to babysit your history teacher’s children, to play Frisbee on the quad, and to be on campus when the snow finally melts and suddenly it seems as though the entire campus is outside of Ford?

Suddenly I loved that I couldn’t compress Williston into a two-minute interview question. To do so would belittle the intangible aspects that compose our community. When I struggle to explain something that usually means that it involves strong feelings, when something is so innately special, when it has become such a fundamental part of your identity there is no explaining.

Williston is Williston, I can’t define it anymore than I can define our class. We are individuals who have shared different moments together to form a much larger memory. We’ve turf tanned, played can jam, gone to Tandem between classes, hiked Mt. Tom and tried to convince our teachers that since its senior spring its really not that important to do the math worksheet. We’ve been leaders, actors, artists, athletes, friends, and supporters within this community. Now it’s our chance to enjoy Williston, as we know it, as we’ve made it. Because we have made it, we have 15 days left—that’s only 360 hours until we graduate until our role here shifts from students to alumni.

So to answer my interviewer’s question: I love Williston because it isn’t Deerfield, because I can text my advisor with an English question and the latest drama, because my coach is also my biggest supporter, and because I have gotten to be a part of class with you all.

With that in mind I’d like to take a moment to thank my fellow class officers, Liz, Ben, and Persis for everything they’ve done for our grade they have been a huge part of every social you’ve attended and student council initiative this year. Also I’d like to thank our class dean, Mrs Talbot-Syfu, along with Ms. Noble and Coach K., for their support regarding our ideas and plans.

It is now my pleasure to welcome the only teacher I’ve ever had who has hashtagged in class, blindfolded students and drove them around to illustrate the effects of momentum, and possibly convinced me that science could maybe be fun. Mr. Rutherford has only been here for two years and he is already an invaluable and well-known member of our community. From starting an Ultimate team to initiating colorful Fridays, he has helped shape Williston. His enthusiasm in class is contagious and his willingness to go the extra mile to help students ensures not only investment in the material, but also the discovery of some fantastic YouTube videos during extra help sessions.

Please join me in giving Mr. Rutherford a warm welcome.

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