Tag Archives: Ezra Barnehama ’03

Senior Dinner Speech 2014: Opportunity

Editor’s note: The following speech was presented by Ezra Barnehama ’03 during the fall Senior Dinner on Friday, September 12, 2014.

Good evening and thank you for having me.

I’m honored to be here tonight, in front of all of you bright young students.

When I received the invitation to speak to you tonight during your senior dinner, many questions raced through my head

Will I have to be in dress code?

What should I wear?

Can I negotiate for a speaker’s fee? Maybe a small statue?

And exactly how many people turned down the invitation before they asked me?

In reality, it was a simple decision to come back to Williston, to give back to this place that gave me so much, this place that will always remain a significant part of who I am.

To speak in front of the class of 2015 is not unlike the honor bestowed upon the speakers I sat before, just 12 years ago. And with this amazing opportunity comes responsibility. Responsibility to engage and empower. To motivate and to entertain.

So let’s get started…

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