Williston Tandem Social Recap

photo[2]This is always such a nice event in that local alumni and current parents get to mingle. There were a good number of new parents here; Jen Fulcher, the director of the Middle School and current Williston parent, was also in attendance so they were all able to chat and socialize.

Alumni ranged in age from Bill Harmon ’57 to Brittany ’07. As always, there was a solid core from the late 70’s and early 80’s. Brittany Weiss, our new assistant director of alumni relations, manned the registration table and welcomed everyone in while Karin and I were the designated bartenders for the evening. I got very good at opening beers!

This year, we were able to offer a wider selection of beers (from five local breweries), and the close to 60 people who came had the chance to put their Williston pub glasses to good use right away! We kept the catering in-house by using Sage Dining Services. The staff dropped off a nice spread of cheeses, bread (nice rosemary crostini with goat cheese and pear), sliced meats and chips and dip (spinach and artichoke). I got several comments from alumni about the quality and appearance of the appetizers.

Bill Harmon spent a lot of time chatting about Wildcat Weekend. He knew Harriett DeVerry ’81, so they talked for a while. Kris Potasky ’81 was very excited to hear about the various alumni excursions, particularly the upcoming ski event in Winter Park, CO and the baking class up at King Arthur Flour in VT (for more info on these events and more, please go to www.williston.com/alumni-events). She spent a lot of time talking about these events with other alumni, such as Maggie Hodges Bete ’78 and Bob Hazen ’81.

Marc Belanger brought former faculty member Dick Gregory by for a while and Dick seemed to have fun chatting with various alumni. Toria Brett P’18 P’20 was there, as was Francis O’Brien ’79. Mr. O’Brien and John Weiss (father of Brittany) volunteered to host an event at the Springfield Country Club next spring, maybe even a golf outing followed by a social.

Our Head of School Bob Hill stopped down towards the end with his nephew from Botswana for a pint and he took a picture of all the alumni and tweeted it (follow him on @Hill3Williston). The event, which wrapped up around 9 p.m., was a good one and we’re planning to do another next year.

Next up:

Providence, RI Pub Night on October 2, 2014

Boston Area Alumni Pub Night on October 9, 2014

Vintage Video Game Night on October 14, 2014

NSFG 90th Anniversary Celebration on October 18-19, 2014

Alumni Homecoming Weekend on October 25, 2014

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