Colin D’Amour ’03, Margaret D’Amour ’04, Christian D’Amour ’07

Christian D'AmourIt was the one of those rites-of-passage moments. It could have been any one of us.

Son is in search of his first job at age 15.

Dad drops him off in the parking lot of the neighborhood supermarket, tells his son to ask for the manager and says he’ll wait in the car.

The son is on his own. He goes inside, asks for the manager, is told the manager isn’t in, and the teenager becomes so flustered he tosses his job application on the counter and flees the store, not quite knowing what to do.

“I told my father to just drive,” remembers Colin D’Amour with a huge grin on his face about when he got back to the parking lot and jumped in the car. Read more.

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