Vero Beach Alumni Event

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Photo by Sharon Davenport

By Director of Development Sharon Davenport

This event was hosted by Steve Holcomb ’65 and his wife Joan at their beautiful home on Orchid Island in Vero Beach and included about 20 alumni and friends.  After a long career with JP Morgan, living overseas in places like Hong Kong, Australia and Africa (over 120 countries in his life time), Steve is now retired, and enjoying time between Vero Beach, Lake Winnipesaukee, and New York City.

It was a bit of a mini-50th Reunion for the boys of 1965 with Doug Watson, Peter Thompson, and George Volanakis.  George, was president and CEO of Corgi Classic, and drove in from Hilton Head Island for the event.  Peter was a one-year ESU student from New England, and held several top positions with companies like PepsiCo. Peter is now retired and chairman of the Vero Beach Museum of Art. He attended the event with his wife Patricia.  Doug Watson is a retired attorney from Keene, NH.  Doug told me a funny story about how he and Peter were neighbors for years and only in the last two years did they realize their Williston Academy connection.

Northampton School for Girls was represented by Joan Montgomery Mihalakos ’61 and Gay Canterbury Blaicher ’61.  Joan was joined by her friend Debra Tata from Woodbridge, CT, who was visiting on business, and Gay was joined by her husband Fred or “Fritz.”  Gay had not been back to Williston Northampton School since her 25th Reunion, so was pleased to receive an NSFG tote bag as a special gift.  Joan is planning to return to campus in June for the special Hampsters and Whittaker Reunion!

David Kreidler ’55 and his wife Donna also attended. David was a two-year student at Williston Academy, and was formerly executive VP and CEO of the Eastern Building Materials Dealers Association.  David has been active in several Reunions, including his 50th.

Head of School Bob Hill gave an update on the state of the school and took questions from the group.  It was a wonderful evening, warm and in the 80s.

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