Category Archives: Alumni News

Kate Nocera ’01 Honored by National Press Foundation

Photo courtesy of Julie Rose
Photo courtesy of Julie Rose

Kate Nocera was one of three BuzzFeed News journalists honored by the National Press Foundation recently. Ms. Nocera and colleagues Gregory Johnsen, and John Stanton received an Everett McKinley Dirksen Award for Distinguished Coverage of Congress for their piece “60 Words and A War Without End.”

According to a press release by BuzzFeed, the NPF judges said: “BuzzFeed’s 10,500-word article is a magisterial account of a 60-word congressional resolution, the vaguely worded language that authorized military action against the ‘nations, organizations, or persons’ deemed responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The consequences of that resolution, passed with only a single dissenting vote, continue to reverberate across the globe. BuzzFeed captures the historic drama of that moment and all that has happened since, from Capitol Hill to the offices of Executive Branch lawyers to the targets of U.S. commando attacks in Libya and Somalia. The details are unforgettable—and so is the unsparing focus on how the Bush and Obama administrations have each used these 60 words, ‘unbound by time and unlimited by geography,’ to wage a global war with no clear rules and no visible end.”

Ms. Nocera is the senior congressional correspondent for Buzzfeed, and has worked for the New York Daily News and Politico.

Ilana Panich-Linsman ’02 Profiled in American Photo

If you’ve seen a recent copy of the Washington Post or New York Times, then you’ve probably also seen the incredible work of photographer Ilana Panich-Linsman ’02. The Texan-based photographer and her intimate style—which requires Ms. Panich-Linsman to gain an incredible amount of trust from her subjects—were profiled recently in American Photo’s One to Watch series.

Among Ms. Panich-Linsman’s long-term projects: “The Tree and the Apple,” a series on a young member of the beauty-pageant industry, “My Two Moms,” on a parenting partnership in rural New York; “Limbo,” on the the lives of Iraqi women refugees in Jordan; “Martha,” which chronicled the final weeks of a pancreatic-cancer patient in hospice.

Describing the long-term projects as both “empathetic” and “deriv[ing] much of its strength from its unflinching honesty,” the article quoted Ms. Panich-Linsman as saying she’s glad that her photography starts conversations.

“Some people think that I’m glamorizing [the pageant world] and others think I’m condemning it,” she told American Photo. “The goal of a photojournalist is to do neither, right? To be straightforward and tell the story in a visually interesting way. It’s like walking a tightrope: You don’t want to fall off in either direction.”

See more of her work here.

Imke Hille ’02 Designs For Good and Beauty

Courtesy of Imke Hille
Courtesy of Imke Hille

While her time at Williston Northampton School was short, just one year, the experience continues to be an important one for Imke Hille ’02. Now a model with an eye on creating a niche brand of lingerie—a brand focused on design, materials, and sustainability—Ms. Hille reflects on her career, how it evolved from a childhood interest, and the impact a year abroad had on her.

How did you get interested in fashion design and what formal training did you have?
I was always interested in fashion. When I was about seven years old I used to draw little collections, or do collages where I glued fabrics on the women I drew. When I studied fashion at ESMOD (International University of Art for Fashion in Berlin) we actually did those too and called them “volume collages.” By the age of 12 I used to design dresses for my Barbie dolls out of my mom’s old stockings. I still have pictures of that.

What inspired you to start your own company?
Being able to realize my very own style.

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New Orleans Alumni Dinner Recap

On Tuesday, January 27, I had dinner with Sebastien Bonnot ’08, Shamanth D’Souza ’10, Christine McBride ’92, Hudson Coley ’08, and his girlfriend Emma at Capdeville, a fabulous little restaurant that was recommended by Christine.

IMG_0131This was a lot of fun and the food was simply outstanding.  I had duck and strawberry wontons along with mac and cheese with truffle oil!

The funniest part of the evening was when Christine and Sebastian both realized that they worked for the same events company, Solomon Group.  They spent a while talking shop and who they worked with.

Sebastian came to Williston Northampton as result of Hurricane Katrina.  When the storm displaced all the kids here, Williston Northampton took Sebastian in.  After his sophomore year, he left to return to New Orleans, but quickly realized his school wasn’t being rebuilt quickly, so he came back as a midyear boarder and ended up graduating from Williston Northampton  He now does events management.

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New Orleans Event Recap

IMG_0087We had a nice gathering at the home of Ben ’80 and Mary Maynard, overlooking the Mississippi River. Ben served a Sazurac, which is a New Orleans drink made with rye whiskey, simple syrup, bitters, and absinthe.

At Williston Northampton, Ben was a big lacrosse player and the 1980 boys lacrosse team were the “unofficial” New England champs, having beaten the Longmeadow High School team, the reigning Massachusetts State Champs.  They had six players go off to play college lacrosse, including Ben.

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