The spring season athletic awards assembly was held on Monday, May 28, 2012. The Athletic Department presented the Blanket Award for participation—followed by the George Denman Award and the Alumnae Award, which are presented to a senior boy and girl. In addition, the award winners for individual sports were announced.
The Blanket Award is given in recognition of those students who have participated on a team in every season they have been in the upper school at Williston. The following students were presented Blanket Awards at the awards assembly.
One-year students
Keegan Dunlop, Sam Fallon, Dan Graham, Michael Grassi, Tommy Jenkins, Caitlin Lynch, Steve Metayer, Andrew Spruck, James Ward
Two-year students
Katie Cavanaugh, Valerie Moon, Jay Sylvia
Three-year students
Hunter Snyder, Kathryn Tomaselli, Noelle Messner, Alex Paolo
Four-year students
Maura Abbott, Connor Adams, Kevin Conroy, Jill Dahrooge, Brandon Diaz, Alex Doudnikoff, Lexie Duseau, Alex Garcia, Sam Goldsmith, Bridget Instrum, Walter McLaughlin, Addison Morse, Alex Nunnelly, Daniel Rowe, Connor Sheehan, Sam Slezek, Sarah Wilkie, Simon Wool, Katie Yochim