All posts by Admin

Author and Humanitarian John Bul Dau at Williston

International humanitarian and author John Bul Dau visited The Williston Northampton School on Tuesday, November 8. Mr. Dau addressed the entire student body in the Athletic Center in the morning. Parents and alumni were invited to view his presentation via a live webcast. Following his presentation, Mr. Dau spent time in Williston’s classrooms, meeting with students and participating in class discussions.
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In preparation for his visit, many students, including those taking World Civilizations and all Middle School students, read his memoir, God Grew Tired of Us. The book chronicles Dau’s journey as one of the “Lost Boys of Sudan.” He traveled over 1,000 miles by foot, subsisted in the desert, and finally arrived in the United States as a refugee. He has since attended Syracuse University and created the American Care for Sudan Foundation, which has raised more than $170,000 to build a clinic in southern Sudan.

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Middle School Open House

The Williston Northampton Middle School will host an open house on Monday, November 7 in the Whitaker-Bement building on the school’s campus at 7:00 p.m.

This is an opportunity for families to learn more about the Middle School and its academic and extracurriculum programs.  There will be a panel of current students and parents, and Jennifer Fulcher, Head of the Middle School, will be there to answer questions.

Please call Linda Kretchmar at (413) 529-3230.

Community Tailgate: Go Wildcats!

The Williston Northampton community will celebrate the Class of 2012’s final home football game of the season tonight against Tabor Academy. The tailgate begins at 5:00 p.m., and the game starts at 6:30 p.m.  The Wildcats are 4-2 on the season and looking for another win.

In an email to the school community, team co-captain, Walter McLaughlin ’12, encouraged the Williston community to: “Come show your school spirit, socialize with friends, eat bbq, and watch James Fitzgerald Ward, Junior ’12 score touchdown after touchdown!”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.  Go Wildcats!

College Application Deadline Updates for Seniors

From the Director of College Counseling:

Seniors and Senior Class Families:

The recent storm that left millions without power could not have come at a more challenging time, as so many seniors are applying to colleges with November 1 deadlines.

Please know that the College Office has been in contact with officials at The Common Application, New England Association for College Admission Counseling (NEACAC), and the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), and each organization has urged its members (colleges and universities) to be flexible with any students who are applying under an admission plan with a November 1 deadline.

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