All posts by Admin

Faculty and Staff Artists Showcase Work at Salon

Art teachers at Williston are professionals in their field as well as dedicated teachers. The saying, “Those who can’t do, teach,” in no way applies to these creative individuals. One of them is Marcia Reed, who has taught art and design at Williston since 1978. She is best known for her small- and large-scale expressionist paintings that make vivid use of color and gesture in landscape. Her work is represented by galleries in New England, California, and London; her most recent showing was as part of a juried exhibition at the Broome Street Gallery in New York. She also teaches during the summer at various locations including Snow Farm: The New England Craft Program, Mispillion Art League in Milford, Delaware, and Le Petit Rousset in France.

Burns Maxey water
A view of Water, an installation by Burns Maxey

In addition to our talented faculty, Williston staff members are creative as well. Burns Maxey, an associate in the Office of Communications, is a visual and conceptual artist whose work combines new and old technologies in order to study place. In 2009 she began a multi-year, inter-media project exploring the city of Easthampton through the lens of the four elements, two of which (Earth and Water) have been presented so far. Other recent projects of hers include Remnants, a five-hour performance incorporating materials from Earth and Water, and Reflections, a collaboration with artist Maggie Nowinski that featured maps, postcards, and video conversations about daily life in Easthampton.

marcia reed
Marcia Reed with one of her paintings

Marcia and Burns were both recently honored with an invitation to present their work at the Hillside Salon, a monthly event put on by the chancellor of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. On April 26, along with artists Ali Moshiri and Michael Tillyer, they presented their work in the pecha-kucha (pe-chak-cha) fashion: Each presenter is allowed 20 images that are shown for 20 seconds each, a total of 6 minutes 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up. The presentations were followed by a roundtable discussion and time to answer audience questions. “They were very good visual observers,” Marcia says of the salon attendees. “People in the audience were genuinely interested in asking us personal questions about our work after the presentations.”

The Hillside Salon is organized by Sabine Holub, wife of UMass Chancellor Robert Holub, a passionate supporter of the arts. The monthly events are open to the public but preregistration is required. The Hillside Salon brings together artists of a wide variety of disciplines to share their work and exchange ideas and concepts.

Teaching about Life beyond the Classroom

Curse Good Girl smallerAt Williston, education doesn’t end with the conclusion of the class day. Amanda Rappold, physics teacher and dorm head of French House, has initiated a study group to help better prepare the girls in her dorm for life after Williston. They are reading The Curse of the Good Girl by Rachel Simmons, which addresses the challenge of being both successful and genuine, or, how to be a “real” girl and not just a “good” girl.

On her website, Rachel Simmons declares that “while the doors of opportunity are open to twenty-first-century American girls, many lack the confidence to walk through them.” Women earn less and are underrepresented in the upper levels of business. More girls than boys graduate from college, but, as Ms. Rappold describes it, “Once you get into the world where what you produce matters, achievement drops off.” This, according to the book, is the “curse of the good girl.”

amanda rappold
Amanda Rappold at Senior Dinner

The idea of a reading group came to her after she and her colleagues attended a workshop by Rachel Simmons at Smith College. They all were motivated to bring the message of empowerment back to campus. Melissa Brousseau, Caitlin Church, and Allison Marsland gave a Diversity Conference workshop entitled “Good Girls Finish Last,” while Ms. Rappold decided to start the book discussion in her dorm.

French House is a small dorm housing eight girls, most of whom are senior honor students. They have met once a month during study hall since January to discuss assigned chapters from the book. “The book is about how you interact with the world,” Ms. Rappold says, so it’s perfect for seniors who are about to leave Williston and go on to college and a career. She gives the example of a chapter on body language and how many girls expect their peers to “read their minds.” This becomes a problem in the workplace if a woman expects that hard work alone will earn her a raise or promotion, instead of negotiating directly.

“The dorm is the place where these conversations happen,” Ms. Rappold says, and she has found that reading about these issues makes them easier to talk about. Girls can discuss the book without revealing too much personally. For a physics teacher (she has taught at Williston since 1999), book discussions are new territory, but she has found that the discussion flows naturally with some direction from her. “The girls have said specifically that they are glad to be reading the book and they have learned from it,” she says.

Assistant Athletic Director Melissa Brousseau, a fellow dorm parent and previous dorm head of Memorial East, calls the book discussions “a great initiative.” In French House, “It’s not just rules, study hall and checking in. There are definitely life lessons and communication skills being developed beyond the classroom. Beyond dorm bonding, our girls can take these lessons and use them long after they graduate from Williston.”

Beyond the Beat: Williston Presents Spring Dance Concert

dance ensemble 2A show of original choreography will grace the stage of the Williston Theatre at 18 Payson Avenue on Friday, May 20, and Saturday, May 21, when the Dance Ensemble presents its spring concert, Beyond the Beat, at 7:30 p.m. General admission tickets are $5. Children 12 and under get in free, as do Williston students, faculty, and staff.

The concert will present of an array of 11 new dances choreographed by students, faculty, and guest artists. Guest artist and Smith College alumna Michelle Marroquin has set a new modern piece for the ensemble. Williston’s Costume Designer, Ilene Goldstein, has choreographed a new piece in the style of Scottish country dance, and Dance Program Director Laurel Raffeto has set a new modern/jazz fusion dance to an upbeat piece of music with swing era influences.

dance ensemble 1Student choreographers Mika Chmielewski, Brittany Collins, Pankti Dalal, Victoria Durocher, Dale McGraw, Anuska Sarkar, Bruna Tarraf, Madeline Wise, and Annie Zheng will present pieces set to musical choices ranging from Marilyn Manson to Justin Bieber to G.F. Handel. The show will also feature a special solo presentation by ninth grader Tory Kolbjornsen.

The ensemble members are: Davin Aberle, Mika Chmielewski, Brittany Collins, Pankti Dalal, Victoria Durocher, Emma Hing, Sarah Hubbard, Dale McGraw, Keely Quirk, Anuska Sarkar, Bruna Tarraf, Calvin Ticknor-Swanson, Victoria Vazquez, Madeline Wise, and Annie Zheng.

Williston Theatre Presents Macbeth in New Way

MacbethPoster (5)The Williston Northampton School Theatre presents the dark and thrilling Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, on April 28-30 and May 5-7. Performances begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Williston Theatre at 18 Payson Ave. General admission tickets are $5 and may be reserved at 413-529-3434 or

The play tells a tragic and supernatural tale of murder and its aftermath. It has been described by some scholars as Shakespeare’s darkest work, and it addresses some of life’s deepest questions.

Director Charles Raffetto says that this production is conceptually based on an interpretation of the three witches in Macbeth as the three Fates from Greek mythology. “The Fates wove the threads of people’s lives on their loom, and that image struck me as powerfully visual,” he says. “The audience will notice this concept of rope and weaving repeated as a motif in the set and in the costuming.” He also notes that the three witches in this production are onstage for the entire show, and therefore have a more prominent presence than in many Macbeth performances. The witches are portrayed as more than just elements of the supernatural but as subtle manipulators and observers of the action.

Cast: Gabe Byrd, Emi Caligiuri, Tom Chandler, Mika Chmielewski, Oliver Demers, Lindsey Dirats, Marina Dombrowski, Ross Ewing, Kate Glowatsky, Sai He, Emma Hing, Elizabeth Howard, Sarah Hubbard, Henry Lombino, Denison Marsland-Rello, Ali O’Connor, Timi Onafowokan, Nick Pattison, Anuska Sarkar, David Simm, Jackson Skinner, Alyssa Stern, Bruna Tarraf, Alexandra Wheeler, Henry Wheeler, Hansen Yang, Kiernan Zehring

Crew: Jeff Breen, Brian Hendery, Elizabeth Howard, Sally Kitchen, Liz Lawrence, Laura McCullagh, Max Reichelt, Garrett Welson

Alexis Speliotis Signs National Letter of Intent

alexis speliotis division IDuring a special ceremony in Williston’s Athletic Center on Saturday, April 16, The Williston Northampton School’s Alexis Speliotis signed a National Letter of Intent to join the Division 1 rowing team at the University of Louisville.

Joined by her family along with Athletic Director Mark Conroy, Alexis agreed to attend University of Louisville as part of the class of 2015. In return, the university agreed to provide her with a full scholarship. Signing the letter also gives notice to other schools that she may no longer be recruited.

Alexis, who is from Westford, Massachusetts, has rowed on Williston’s crew team thanks to the school’s involvement in Northampton Youth and Community Rowing. Daphne Burt, Williston’s director of Community Life and one of Alexis’s coaches, says, “Alexis loves crew and has been focused on rowing crew in college for as long as I’ve known her. She takes it seriously and works hard at it, and I am very proud of her.”

Alexis has been co-captain of the team for two years and was picked to row in the Head of the Charles this past fall. She is the fourth Williston student in the last five years (and the third this year) to sign a National Letter of Intent for a NCAA Division 1 scholarship.

University of Louisville is located in Louisville, Kentucky. The women’s rowing team has finished in the top half overall of the Big East Rowing Championship every year since 2006.