Category Archives: Special Programs

Screenwriter Jim Fernald ’81 to Visit Campus

JimMINIJim Fernald ’81 is a scriptwriter and former Hollywood development executive now teaching screenwriting at the European Film College in Denmark. In Los Angeles, he worked for several companies, including Centropolis, which made Independence Day, Stargate, and The Patriot, and Carsey-Werner, the producers of the television series “3rd Rock from the Sun,” “Roseanne,” and “The Cosby Show.”

Mr. Fernald will be visiting Williston Northampton on Friday, February 17, 2012, to participate in classes and have lunch with interested students, faculty, and staff in the Cox Room from 12:00 – 1:10 p.m. Those interested in joining Mr. Fernald for lunch should contact Melanie Sage, director of alumni relations. [This event is now closed.]

Williston Northampton’s 10th Diversity Conference

ackmannJournalist, author, and Mount Holyoke College professor, Dr. Martha Ackmann has been chosen as the keynote speaker for Williston Northampton School’s 10th annual Diversity Conference on Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 8:30 AM.

Dr. Ackmann, who teaches in Mount Holyoke’s Gender Studies and English departments, is the author of The Mercury 13: the True Story of Thirteen Women and the Dream of Space Flight and Curveball: The Remarkable Story of Toni Stone, the First Woman to Play Professional Baseball in the Negro League.

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The Quilt of a Career: Photographer Todd France Visits Williston

6830593075 02ee8f9dc7 o resized 600Images flashed across the screen in the photography room: close-ups on succulents and sea grass, daisies shot from below, stems crisscrossing distant lights.

From the back of the darkened classroom came the voice of New York photographer Todd France ’85.

“This was wide angle, as close as I could focus and thrown all the way open,” he said, describing his series “Unnatural Light.” “The sense of scale is thrown out.”

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Admission Directors Give Williston Juniors Tips on the Process

As students were preparing for mid-winter break, Beth Wiser, of the University of Vermont, and Matt Malatesta, of Union College, drew a crowd to the Williston Theater.

The two directors of college admission offices were on campus on Feb. 2 to share tips on how parents and students could make the college search process enjoyable and manageable.
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Williston’s Director of College Counseling Tim Cheney began by advising the assembled juniors and their parents to remember that the admission process is about tough choices.

“This is a process in which you will need to make decisions,” he told the parents and students. “We may look at the list of schools that you bring us and ask you to take some of those great schools off it.” Continue reading

Williston Athletic Program Finds Missing Piece in Conca Trainers

“Go!” barked the trainer and 15 students took off across the rug. At the gym stairs they pivoted, set both feet, and raced back, arms pumping.
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Standing off to one side, Steve Conca, founder and president of Conca Sport and Fitness, nodded in approval.

“They’re learning how to start correctly,” he said as two instructors moved among the 15 students, giving advice on form. “It doesn’t matter what sport these guys play, everybody wants to get a bit faster.”

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