Oh, Say Did You See

One of the great features of life at a school like The Williston Northampton School is the opportunity for students to test their talents on a big stage. And what’s bigger for two of the nation’s oldest high school singing groups—our own Widdigers and Caterwaulers—than Fenway Park for a Red Sox game against the Toronto Blue Jays? Thanks to the inspired leadership of Ben Demerath and Catherine Kay, 22 of our students performed both “Oh Canada” and “The Star Spangled Banner” before the 30-thousand-plus Fenway faithful last Friday evening.

Mr. Eric Yates, Williston’s chief advancement officer, and I had the tough duty of accompanying this delightful group of young people, which meant watching the game with teenagers possessing all degrees of baseball knowledge. I was seated between a young woman from North Carolina who had never seen a major league game and a young man from Seoul, Korea, who was eager to learn the English vernacular of baseball terminology.

You can watch a video of the Widdigers’ and Caterwaulers’ performance on YouTube. Our Williston ambassadors made us proud.

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