Stories and updates from around campus

Photographer of His Time: Sam Abell at Williston

“Something is wrong with this picture,” Sam Abell said to his audience on May 9, during the final Photographers’ Lecture Series of the 2012-11 season.

Projected on the screen in the darkened Dodge Room was a photograph of two coffee cups on a tray and a glass of water. What was wrong? The audience strained to see.

Then the next slide appeared. Abell had turned the handle of a coffee mug, ever so slightly, to create a sliver of space between it and the shadow cast by the water.

Such small details have obsessed Abell throughout his long and illustrious career as a documentary photographer and on in-depth projects for National Geographic. As he noted in his artist’s statement, Abell “explores ways in which places can be purely recorded, with images simultaneously shaped by the photographer’s imagination.”

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We’re Updating (5/15)

In March, we told you about planned updates for the school’s online presence.

Since then, we’ve been work behind the scenes: adjusting navigation, updating pages, and adding content.

The first of these changes appeared in the form of new blogs. Along with beautiful headers by Eric Poggenpohl, the WordPress blogs have a cleaner, redesigned look.

Don’t worry. All of the news and events you’re used to will still appear at

In the last few weeks, we’ve added to our blog roll with From the Archives, Beyond the Binder, In Their Own Words, The Willistonian, Athletics News, and Alumni Connections.

On Tuesday, May 15, we’re excited to also unveil the new look of the Williston Northampton website.

So, what’s changed?

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A Passion for Film: Charles Frank ’13 Aims for Sundance

Junior year at The Williston Northampton School is a busy one under the best of circumstances for most students, but it is particularly hectic for Charles Frank. At 17, Charles is already an accomplished filmmaker with an impressive resume. And if things go as planned, he will celebrate senior year with other filmmakers at the Sundance Film Festival.

Charles’s short film, “Breezless” won best picture at this year’s Williston Northampton, an honor he received last year, as well. The festival, which received entrants from both independent and public high schools, is an annual event that began in 2007 and continues to grow every year.

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Heisler Teaches Photo Students Valuable Lesson

“I don’t know how to explain how fun it is,” said photographer Gregory Heisler of his career choice.  “It’s super duper fun.”

Photo Courtesy of Greg Heisler, Portrait by Maja Jutanda

Clad in a bow tie and round glasses, Heisler, currently the artist-in-residence at the Hallmark Institute of Photography in Turners Falls, MA, addressed the Advanced Photography students as the penultimate lecturer in the 2011-2012 Photographers’ Lecture Series on Tuesday, April 24.

Heisler’s range of work includes advertisements for clients such as American Express and Nike, and privately commissioned portraits of subjects including Bruce Springsteen and New York City Mayor Edward Koch.

A veteran photographer, Heisler gave an animated anatomy of a photo shoot, using as an example a recent shoot with Lebron James, Chris Bosh, and Dwayne Wade he had done for Sports Illustrated.

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Sam Abell Closes Out 2011-2012 Photographers’ Lecture Series

Photo courtesy of Sam Abell

National Geographic Photographer, Sam Abell will visit The Williston Northampton School on Wednesday, May 9 as the final photographer in the 2011-2012 Photographers’ Lecture Series.

Mr. Abell will teach an Advanced Photography class and give a lecture, which is open and free to the public, at 6:30 p.m. in the Dodge Room of the Reed Campus Center.

According to his website, Mr. Abell’s photographic life began at a very young age.  In high school in Sylvania, OH and later at the University of Kentucky, he was the editor and photographer for the schools’ yearbooks.

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Stories and updates from around campus