Several campus residents are eager to help plant the garden in this season of covid-19. With visions of fresh tomatoes and peppers, carrots and basil, one family at a time is finding joy digging in the soil and planning for the warmer months. Thank you, Naomi Schmidt, for turning the compost bin! Norman Schmidt is working hard to prepare a bed for carrots, peas, lettuce, and strawberries! He loves to watch the plants grow and see the results of his hard work.
Simultaneously, the perennials are poking their way through the mulched layers, all on their own. The plants of the much sought after red raspberries have emerged with fresh leaves and canes. Perky oregano, chives and lemon balm are greening the herb bed, along with the garlic, planted last fall. Under a school-made milk jug cloche, last year’s parsley is growing strong into its second growing season. Biennials, such as parsley set seed in their second year before ending their life cycle. Seed is hope for the future! Slow but good food is on its way!