Tag Archives: Green Cup Challenge

Green Cup Challenge Week 3!

Green Cup Challenge results per dorm
Green Cup Challenge results per dorm

As Green Cup Challenge continues on these weeks, a noticeable amount of energy has been saved, and still continues to be saved for the joint effort of Conant and Sawyer. So far, they are roughly using 30% less energy compared to their three week baseline based off of the last three years, here’s why.

They are trying! Lights off, heat low, no useless plugs lying around! But, as Sustainable Life Club members have recently found out, there is also a new heating system that uses gas instead of electricity in Sawyer. This nifty new device has helped out a ton this cold season by saving on heat and electricity! Also, because Sawyer has not been opened for students in the past 5 years, the baseline for the buildings of Sawyer and Conant are a bit low (of course, Sawyer still used a minimum amount of electricity in the past years to keep the pipes from freezing). But, as every building has their perks, Conant and Sawyer now have there’s as well. The readings this year will help create a baseline that is more realistic for next year, as they do for all the dorms. One thing to keep in mind: this is an international school competition, and hopefully this new heater along with everyone saving electricity, Williston can try to earn its way up the ladder for the competition. So keep up the good work! Especially as these weeks start to come to a close, with about one more meter reading left, since it ends on the 12th. Stay Green!

Green Cup Challenge Week 2!


Green Cup Challenge results from week 2!
Green Cup Challenge results from week 2!

The results are in! Green Cup Challenge has been a success for the past two weeks, with the majority of the buildings on campus conserving energy! As of now Conant and Sawyer are in the lead, with Clare following soon afterwards. But, there is always more room to improve! French house and the Middle School have the next two weeks to try to boost their position on the competition.

The main goal for Green Cup Challenge is to try to create better habits of saving energy throughout campus. This competition is not only for students on campus, but also day students, as building like the Middle School and Reed are included for their participation as well. It will continue on for the next two weeks, so one word of advice to all students: conserve! Don’t leave in plugs or keep unused lights on, and let us all try to save as much energy as we can for the next two weeks! I look forward to conserving with you!

Green Cup Challenge Video Competition!

194 Main Street Sunrise

Thanks to Cade Zawacki ’15 we were able to make a video for the Green Cup Challenge encouraging students to conserve energy! This video is not only used to create awareness of energy conservation among students at Williston, but it is also entered into the Green Cup Challenge’s Video Contest. Schools that are participating in the Green Cup Challenge are encouraged to submit a video into the competition. The best video is determined by votes. Click here to cast your vote for the video you think is best! Polls close on February 12th. If you want to view all the videos in the running for the contest, click here. Winning videos will get special recognition by the Green Cup Challenge website.

The Sustainable Life Club showed our video in assembly last Wednesday, and we received lots of positive feedback! Above you can view our video – we had lots of fun making it and showing it to the community! Enjoy!

Green Cup Challenge: Week 1 Results!

For the last two weeks Sustainable life has been keeping track of the amount of energy each dorm has been using, and our first week results are in! Green Cup Challenge at Williston is not only a national competition with other schools to reduce the most energy, but also a competition between each dorm. The winner who reduces the most amount of energy by February 12th, will get a pizza party!

Chart of each dorm, its recordings, and the percent change from the average.
Chart of each dorm, its recordings, and the percent change from the average.

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Green Cup Challenge and Ort Report Ahead!

194 Main Street Sunrise

Have you thought recently about your impact on the environment?

The Sustainable Life Club is building new initiatives to help students become more mindful of the environment. We’re planning the annual Green Cup Challenge and the new Ort Report, which we hope will help students form better habits, leading to greater awareness of their impact on the earth. Continue reading