The Phantom Tollbooth: A Perfect Synergy

6774726154 7640c6e4de oThe Phantom Tollbooth celebrated its 50th anniversary this year—a celebration that has brought high praise for Amherst author Norton Juster.
Last week’s Williston children’s theater production also honored the classic work in an authentic way.  In what has become an annual tradition, Williston’s highly regarded theater program opened its doors to Easthampton children during their school break.
What a perfect synergy when Williston students can both express their passion for drama and serve as role models to wide-eyed children. Theactors spent time with them after the show to answer their questions and even autograph their programs.
The program opened the eyes of young people to the imaginative possibilities of stage, set, and character—all the things that go into the transformative powers of drama.
With a week’s worth of performances, Williston students united passion with civic purpose. They gave something of themselves to the community and, in the process, made us all the better for it.

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