Stories and updates from around campus

We’re Updating

We know you love when things are easy. Easy to find. Easy to use. Easy to get excited about.

We do too.

It’s why we are working on improving how you connect with The Williston Northampton School. Not just on WillyNet, but everywhere you go.

That’s right. We’re updating—everything.

That means…

A new look: Cleaner layouts. Consistent logos. Straightforward navigation.

More content: Tons of news stories, profiles and videos. More Flickr sets than you can shake a stick at. Blogs written by the head of school and by students.

And better communication: Weekly emails to parents. Regular updates on Facebook. Tweets with quotes and photos, too.

We can’t promise this will be a speedy process (no big renovation ever is), but we can tell you that it’s going to be a thoughtful one.

There’s a story we want to tell. Because Williston Northampton isn’t just a campus, it’s the people, the community, and 171 years of history.  It’s what happens in the classroom…and what happens beyond.

It’s us. And it’s you, too.

So, we need your help. Help us tell the story of Williston Northampton. Help us make things better. Help us spread the excitement about the school we love.

Over the next year, we’ll be sharing updates on the website, on Facebook, and in-person to get your suggestions and your feedback.

Comments? We love them.

But most of all, we love to improve. That starts today. Stay tuned.

Williston Seniors Begin to Hear College News

Every year, Williston Northampton seniors wait for admission news from colleges and universities across the country. After all their hard work, acceptance to the institution of their choice is a sign of all they have accomplished at Williston.

College news has begun to arrive for the Class of 2012, and there are some very happy and excited seniors on campus. The senior class is looking foward to the spring and even more good news from schools.

Students will receive regular decision admission news throughout the month of March, so check Williston’s news later this spring for a complete list of schools.

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Mental Athletics with Robots: Williston Team Heads to FIRST

6938478305 78038985da oThe silver robot bumped gently against a wall, reversed, and then ran over a blue racquet ball, where it lodged, rocking slightly. Chris Berghoff sighed.

“If it really shuts down when it hits one of the balls, and there’s going to be 100 of them, I’m pretty sure that’s a problem,” he said to his teammates, who were typing at computers around the room.

“Come along, robot,” Berghoff said, plucking the machine off the ground and carrying it into a workroom. A hacksaw could soon be heard grinding away.

None of the team members appeared very concerned by this. When you’re preparing for a state-level robotics competition like FIRST Tech Challenge, there’s a lot of tinkering involved.

See a full gallery of the team at work.

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Mock Congressional Hearings: An 8th Grade Lesson in Civics

IMG 5748Caroline Borden ‘16 was in the hot seat. Her team had finished making their case for why judicial review was an important part of the United State’s constitutional system. Now it was time for a panel to quiz the three girls.

“I’m curious what you would say would be checks on judicial review,” said science teacher Matt Spearing, one of the panel’s judges.

Borden thought for a moment.

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Stories and updates from around campus