“Williston College”

By Peter Nelson, Archivist, Amherst College
Samuel Williston in the 1840s (Courtesy Emily Williston Memorial Library and Museum)
Samuel Williston in the 1840s (Courtesy Emily Williston Memorial Library and Museum)

Passionate educational philanthropist that he was, Samuel Williston is a major figure in the histories of several colleges.  Most prominent among them is Amherst College, where Samuel served as Trustee, where he recruited many of Williston Seminary’s early faculty, and whose legendary Professor William Seymour Tyler he counted among his closest friends.

In 1847 there was a proposal that Amherst College be renamed for Samuel Williston.  Williston demurred — but there were opinions on both sides of the issue.  Amherst College Archivist Peter Nelson tells the story on his blog, “The Consecrated Eminence.”  Enjoy!  — RT

Linked content © 2013, Amherst College.  Used by permission.

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