Rogues’ Gallery

by Rick Teller '70, Williston Northampton Archivist
From the top: Doc Phillips. Boardy, Heppy.
Clockwise from left: A. L. Hepworth, Ralph Phillips, Howard Boardman.

We lost James Hamilton, class of 1961, last year.  He was many things — printer, conservationist, history buff, devoted Williston and Dartmouth alumnus — you can read more about him here. His Cohasset, Mass. neighbors and, especially, his Williston classmates will remember him as a perceptive and occasionally wicked cartoonist and caricaturist.

Most of Jim’s work graced the pages of The Log and The Willistonian from 1959 through 1961.  For those who remember his favorite subjects or victims, the drawings are remarkably on target.  They tend to feature several prominent faculty members, and a crewcutted, slightly beefy meathead named Willy, who bore an odd resemblance to Jim himself.

So discovery of new drawings by Jim Hamilton is cause for celebration.  Several weeks ago Laurie Hamilton generously sent a stack of Willistonia to the Archives, and there, tucked into a copy of the yearbook, were several sketches.  Thanks, Laurie!

One of the newly acquired sketches, featuring chemistry teacher Ralph "Doc" Phillips, Dean A. L. Hepworth, and French teacher/drama coach/Alumni Secretary/Ford Hall master Howard G. Boardman.
One of the newly acquired sketches, featuring chemistry teacher Ralph “Doc” Phillips, Dean A. L. Hepworth, and French teacher/drama coach/Alumni Secretary/Ford Hall master Howard G. Boardman.
Models Doc, Heppy, and Boardy.
Favorite targets: models Doc, Heppy, and Boardy.

So, here’s a Jim Hamilton gallery.  Admire, enjoy!

One of Jim's Willistonian cartoons, featuring his hapless alter-ego Willy.
One of Jim’s Willistonian cartoons, featuring his hapless alter-ego Willy.

60 Log 69 manhole

In 1960 Headmaster Phillips Stevens acquired a motor scooter, from which he took special pleasure and in which Jim took special interest.
In 1960 Headmaster Phillips Stevens acquired a motor scooter, from which he took special pleasure and in which Jim took special interest.

phil scooter1960 06 05

English master Horace Thorner and Samuel Williston.
English master Horace Thorner and Samuel Williston.
Horace Thorner.
Horace Thorner.
61 log 71 underclassman
Willy’s view of an underclassman.
Choral Director Henry Teller.
Choral Director Henry Teller.

teller, henry 1

The theme of the 1961 prom was "A Night With Charles Addams." It was an opportunity for Jim.
The theme of the 1961 prom was “A Night With Charles Addams.” It was an opportunity for Jim.

61 log 151 prom

A page of Hamilton sketches. The large figure must be a preliminary drawing for the image below.
A page of Hamilton sketches. The large figure must be a preliminary drawing for the image below.

61 log 159 advertiser

Willy, hard at work.
Willy, hard at work.

w 1960 12 0960 Log 73 VW61 log 117 football tea

June 4, 1961: Jim's last Willistonian cartoon before his graduation. Willy is making his exit.
June 4, 1961: Jim’s last Willistonian cartoon before his graduation. Willy is making his exit.
Jim Hamilton was probably very fond of Boardy — most people were. But in 1960 the Drama Club produced a play about Joan of Arc. Inspiration comes from many sources.

3 thoughts on “Rogues’ Gallery”

  1. I was at times, as The Hair’s roomate junior year, the butt of many of his jokes. He nicknamed me “Sniffer” as I always had allergy problems and he was the first to pounce on any weakness, though In a joking manner. He had the heart of a lion in swimming and football; the legs of a short rambling gazelle (with large hams); and the freshness of a good, honest friend. Jim and I have been lifetime friends and I was lucky to have had a friend such as he. Sandy Campbell Class of 61.

  2. Decades before cable news and the internet there was Hepworth’s weekly readings about current events and commentary, mostly based on stories from the NYT.

    Hepworth was one of those rare teachers who actually taught you how to think and reason. Fortunately, he lacked prejudice and bigotry and if he were alive today would be taking Fox News and Donald Trump to the woodshed for a serious chewing out.

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