Category Archives: Sustainability News

Ort Report Week 1

Students from the Sustainable Life Club help collect waste
Students from the Sustainable Life Club help collect waste

The first Ort Report was this Monday and the results are in! We produced 98 pounds of waste! We are thankful for the students’ cooperation with us as we collected the food waste! There were many people with clean plates! Hopefully students and teachers continue to reduce their food waste and remain conscious of their impact on the environment!

Although we did a great job, we hope to improve in the future. The 11:15-11:50 lunch block wasn’t covered, but we will be covering that time next week. This may affect our results by making the total weight less than it should be, but over the next couple of weeks we will be developing a baseline to see how much we regularly use.

We look forward to conserving food waste on Mondays with the community!

Green Cup Challenge and Ort Report Ahead!

194 Main Street Sunrise

Have you thought recently about your impact on the environment?

The Sustainable Life Club is building new initiatives to help students become more mindful of the environment. We’re planning the annual Green Cup Challenge and the new Ort Report, which we hope will help students form better habits, leading to greater awareness of their impact on the earth. Continue reading

Spring Planting in the Garden

Ever wondered what those stakes were doing in the garden? How about those hay bales? Or the new ditches near the compost bins? The Sustainable Life club has worked hard to get this season’s crop planted this spring and ready to harvest when we come back to school in September. We have dug those ditches, pitched the stakes, and laid the hay bales in order to learn a little about agriculture and make salsa at the beginning of the school year.

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Open Mic: Music to Light a Village

Music Notes

Music NotesThe Sustainable Life Club is partnering with OWLI to put on Open Mic: Music to Light a Village on Sunday, May 12th at 7pm in the Chapel. The event will showcase the musical talents of Williston students while benefiting OWLI’s initiative in Kenya to replace kerosene with solar panels for lighting. Students may schedule an audition for the event by emailing Maggie Dewey ’13 at

Solar Panel and Light
A solar panel from Barefoot Power Limited, the company OWLI will purchase solar panels from.

OWLI, the One World Leadership Institute, works to create learning environments that foster the development of critical thinkers who will become the ethical leaders of our ever-changing world. Specifically, OWLI works to create sustainable student-run businesses in Kenya. OWLI’s solar panel project will provide students in a Kenyan village the first solar panels to get their business started.

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