Weather Update for Jan. 16

This morning the Middle School cancelled classes for its students due to the weather. However, the Upper School very rarely closes and will continue with its academic day.

This disparity is because we are a boarding school, and like a residential college, we stay open given that the majority of our students and many of our faculty live on campus. That said, we understand that the weather makes driving challenging, and perhaps dangerous, for some of our day students.

Although we are not closing the Upper School and classes will continue today, I encourage you to use your best judgment in deciding to get your child to campus. If you feel the driving conditions are unsafe, I encourage you to wait until you feel more comfortable traveling.

Our faculty understand that weather in New England means that some days our day students will be late or be unable to attend classes. Students who miss one or all of their classes will, as always, get the help they need from their teachers to make up any missed work. Often, teachers adjust the day’s assignment depending upon class attendance. If you decide to wait to bring your child or decide he or she should stay home today, please contact the school so that we know he or she will be out. That number is (413) 529-3000.

Student safety—and that our community—is always a priority, and we’re grateful for your help in challenging weather situations.


Kathy Noble
Dean of Students

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