Celebrate your Fall Season with your afternoon program THIS Thursday 11/19 from 5:00-6:30 p.m.
See below where your group is gathering for dinner.
Day students with rides and carpools, please let your carpool know. Boarders with special projects, the Dining Hall will be closed. If you would like dinner this Thursday, please let me know by Wednesday.
Many thanks to the Dining Hall staff for helping feed over 500 of us!
Congratulations on great work this season and good luck to varsity field hockey and girls varsity soccer in the playoffs!
Program Location
Art & Music Intensive: Reed 207 Drawing Studio
Athletic Performance: Athletic Center Lobby
Boys Cross Country: Parents Association Room
Girls Cross Country: Cox Room
Dance: Dance Studio
Equipment Room (Cage): Cage
Varsity Field Hockey: Mr. & Mrs. Valine’s
JV Field Hockey: Coach Klumpp’s Home
Varsity & JV Football: Plimpton Classroom
Riding: Ray Brown Conference Room in Athletic Center
Robotics: Technology Lab
Boys V Soccer: Ford Hall Common Room
Boys JV A Soccer: Reed Lounge (soda room)
Boys JV B Soccer: 194 Main St.
Boys Junior Soccer: Whitaker-Bement Upstairs
Girls Varsity Soccer: Coach Conroy’s Home
Girls JV Soccer: Whitaker-Bement Downstairs
Tech Theater & Tech Lab: Studio Theater
Varsity Volleyball: Coach Schneider’s Home
JV Volleyball: JW Common Room
Water Polo Scott Hall: 3rd Floor Common Area
Melissa Brousseau
Assistant Director of Athletics
Head Athletic Trainer
Science Teacher
If you are not signed up or need to change your choice for the Winter Afternoon Program, please email Mr. Grant.
Below are your options. If you have further questions please stop by and see me.
Mr. Grant
-All Upper School students are required to participate all three trimesters
-11th & 12th grade – minimum of one group option per year
-9th & 10th grade – minimum of two group options per year
-8th grade – must participate for two trimesters in two different group options
-7th grade – no required participation
Students wishing to pursue any special project or exemption, including an outside sport, sport specialization, academic or art related endeavor, or any other type of project must apply to the Special Project Committee by Friday, November 13th. The application form for a Special Project may be found on WillyNet under Academic Resources. If you cannot locate it I will email you one.
Next week is Williston‘s Breast Cancer Awareness Week! This year, the Varsity Volleyball team will be selling pink long sleeve shirts. The designs of the shirt are attached to this email.
The theme for this week is WILDCATS WEAR PINK!
We will be collecting the money when you come and pick up your shirts. You CAN use your SammyCard.
If you are planning on getting one, please email either me or Jada ( jgoodrich@williston.com ) with your size.
Please try to come out and support our teams this week!
10/14 at 2pm (Wed) – Soccer vs. Cushing
10/17 at 3pm (Sat) – CrossCountry vs. Miss Porter’s
Below is the schedule for team pictures to be taken on Friday, October 9 at Sawyer Field.
3:15 p.m.: Riding (or as soon as you can get there)
The following teams will have their pictures taken on a first come first serve basis after 3:30 p.m. As soon as a team is ready we will take their picture and they will be able to get to practice
Girls Cross Country
Boys Cross Country
Varsity Field Hockey
JV Field Hockey
Boys Varsity Soccer
Boys JVA Soccer
Boys JVB Soccer
Boys Junior Soccer
Girls Varsity Soccer
Girls JV Soccer
Varsity Football
JV Football
As soon as the outside teams are done we will move inside for water polo, volleyball, robotics, tech theater, dance (4:00 p.m. or so).
Director of Athletics Mark Conroy will be sharing his expertise on high school athletics at a Springfield College (Massachusetts) panel discussion tonight. Be sure to stop by if you’re in the area!
The varsity softball team has qualified for the tournament for the second year in a row and will have a play-in game tomorrow (Friday) at Loomis at 3:00 p.m. Congratulations to the following players!
Softball Team
Natalia Baum
Maddy Jerolman
Dina Dahdul
Margaret Cummings Delaney Belinskas
Morgan Fisher
Emily LeRolland
Gabby Monaco
Sarah Marion
Grace Quisenberry
A’Shaela Chaires
Megan Fydenkevez
Gabby Jones
Gabby Dicomitis
Jordan Strum
Alex Sugarman
Caroline Matheson
Team pictures are scheduled for Friday, April 17, below is the schedule.
Beside the Athletic Center at 3:00
Boys Varsity Golf
Girls Varsity Golf
Boys JV Golf
Girls JV Golf
Ultimate Frisbee
Sawyer Field (beginning at 3:30, or as soon as teams are ready)
Teams will have their pictures taken on a first come first serve basis.
Varsity Baseball
JV Baseball
Boys Varsity Lacrosse
Boys JV Lacrosse
Girls Varsity Lacrosse
Girls JV Lacrosse
Girls 3rd Lacrosse
Varsity Softball
Girls Track
Boys Track
Girls Varsity Tennis
Boys Varsity Tennis
Girls JV Tennis
Boys JV Tennis
Pool following other pictures (4:30 or so)
Girls V Water Polo
Tech Theater (in gym)