Hi Williston!
Do you have any old iPods or iPhones sitting around that you don’t know what to do with? Do you want to help make an impact on the lives of patients with Alzheimers?
Well the Community Service Club can help you out with our iPod drive! Please bring back any old iPods or iPhones you may have lying around your house (or even an iTunes gift card!) from long weekend to donate to Music and Memory. There will be a collection table at lunch in the Dining Hall from Tuesday, April 28 to Friday, May 1! Lets make this drive a success! Have a great long weekend!
The Community Service Club
P.S. If you would like to learn more about Music and Memory and the impact they are making, please take a look at the link below!
Hey lovely people,
We’re having a PRIDE meeting today at 2:55 pm on the second floor of Reed!
Hope to see all of ya’ll there!
We will have cookies, so we expect all of you guys there 😀
Molly and Erin
Come show off your talents and watch your friends!
Music, singing, poetry, spoken word, hidden talents.
Stu Bop
Saturday 9-10:30 p.m.
Lounge, coffee, tea, cookies, brownies.
Hey Everyone,
Today (Thursday, Oct. 16) at 3 p.m. in front of reed, PRIDE will be taking its club photo, so that we can put it up in the bulletin in the schoolhouse and in the yearbook!
Hope to see all of ya’ll there!
Molly and Erin
My name is Andrew Liu and I am the Head Griller/ President of the Williston Northampton chapter of Grillin and Chillin. I am proud to announce that we will be having are first meeting this coming Saturday at 3 PM on the grass nearest the athletic center at Sawyer Field. This meeting will consist of Grillin some burgers and dogs and of course there as well will be plenty of chillin so bring your lawn chair. I am looking for some volunteers to help me do some grilling (seeing as i only have two arms). Please email me if you are interested. After this though make sure to stop by the big battle at Sawyer field between our boys varsity football team and the cats from Cheshire Academy at 6 PM Eastern Standard Time. (3 PM PST and 4PM CST).
I hope to see you all Saturday.
Andrew Liu
Class of ’15
Head Griller of the Williston Northampton Chapter of Grillin and Chillin.
Member of the Conant House.
Hey guys,
We have another PRIDE meeting TODAY at 2:55 pm in the SECOND FLOOR of REED!
See all of ya’ll soon!
Molly and Erin 😀
So on FRIDAY OCTOBER 10TH we’re going to have our first official meeting as a club, and its going to be a small bible study at 8:00 AM IN THE COX ROOM. you can bring your breakfast, it’ll just be a small, quick meeting. Hope to see you there!
Best Wishes,
Cam Stanley, ’16
Daily Announcements from Williston Northampton