Informational meeting Thursday night at 6:00 p.m. in the Cox Room for anyone interested in a science research trip to Cuba in June. This trip will be with Operation Wallacea and will be a two-week trip. The research will focus on coral reef conservation, shark, and manatee tagging and the invasive lionfish surveys. PADI open water diving instruction will also be an optional inclusion. For more information contact Mr. Berghoff. Find more at the Operation Wallacea website.
Category Archives: Travel Opportunities
Off-campus trips and foreign adventures
Experiment in International Living Blogs
The Experiment in International Living offers Williston Northampton students scholarships, made possible through the generosity of an alumna. Williston students have visited countries including Ecuador, France, and Spain. Each year, a representative from the program also speaks at assembly about travel and scholarship opportunities and previous student participants share their experiences.
This summer, student participants Calvin Ticknor-Swanson ’16 and Billy Ashenden ’17, are also sharing their travel stories through the Experiment in International Living blogs. Find the full blog list here:
Calvin Ticknor-Swanson’s program blog –
Billy Ashenden’s program blog –
Switzily Trip in March
Ryan Tyree will take Williston students to Switzerland & Italy in March.
Click here to learn more:
Student Cultural Exchange Programs
Williston students have participated in Student Cultural Exchange Programs during the Thanksgiving and Spring Breaks. You may contact SCE at:
Student Cultural Exchange
3581 Westminster West Rd.
Putney, VT 05302
Phone: 888.282.3843
Operation Wallacea
Dear Students and Faculty,
As follow up to Dr. Burns’ visit yesterday, if you are interested in more information about the research and travel opportunities available through the Wallacea Foundation please contact me. These experiences are open to students, alumni and faculty.
William Berghoff P’14, P’15, P’15
Head of Science
American Southwest Trip 2016
Director of Student Activities Matt Spearing is organizing a guided tour of some of America’s most amazing sites in the southwest over Thanksgiving Break 2016. This trip was originally scheduled for Thanksgiving Break 2015, but has been postponed for a year. Students or parents with questions can contact Mr. Spearing at
Madagascar 2016
Math Department Head Josh Seamon will be holding an info meeting on his planned trip to Madagascar in the spring of 2016. The meeting is Wednesday, April 22 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Parents’ Association Room in the Birch Dining Commons. You can find more information online at, and applications are now being accepted on a rolling basis until Friday, May 1 at 3:00 p.m.
Parents can find the application (due 5/1/15), FAQs, itinerary, and link to the website page on WillyNet under Forms and Resources, Travel Opportunities.
China Bridge Summer Camp 2015
This summer, Language Department teacher Noah Lipnick is planning a summer trip to China for interested Williston students (students studying other languages than Chinese are welcome to participate). The trip will be held from July 17 through August 1, 2015. Hanban (the Chinese Language Council International) will be providing a chaperone as well, and there will be one adult for every 10 students. Students are responsible for international airfare, their visas, and pocket money. All domestic travel, cultural activities, language instruction, sightseeing, and room and board are covered by Hanban. Please find more information online or email Mr. Lipnick with questions.
The following was a message from Mr. Lipnick:
“As one of the school’s Chinese teachers, I am excited to announce an unprecedented opportunity. For the first time in Williston’s history, the Language Department is offering the chance to travel this summer to China!
The China Bridge Summer Camp, scheduled for the end of July, is an ideal opportunity to further your child’s passion for learning Chinese while seeing, hearing, and breathing it in action. China is a spectacular country to visit and immerse yourself in, and this is an invaluable opportunity to do so with fellow Williston classmates. As your Program Coordinator and point of contact, I will be leading the trip in conjunction with another chaperone. As a former student of Chinese and former resident of China, I can attest to the excitement and sheer value of going to China for the first time.
Our trip’s sponsor Hanban (Confucius Institute) has been leading this trip annually for many years, including sending our own Language Department Chair, Nat Simpson, on a week-long trip last November to Anhui Province, China to visit Chinese schools at the K-12 level. The summer trip will include language instruction, cultural activities, sightseeing in multiple provinces, and visits with Chinese families.
Registration deadline is March 7, so please contact me if you would like further information.”