by Nate Gordon ’16 on The Willistonian
In 1939, The Willistonian conducted a poll to decide Williston’s nickname. Now, almost three-quarters of a century later, The Willistonian will conduct a second poll to vote on the official design of the Williston Wildcat. Since the Wildcat is a common team mascot used by many schools, “we want people from both within the community and outside, to say, ‘hey, that’s the Williston wildcat!’”, says Athletic Director Mark Conroy.
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by Rachel Rockwell ’16
Our Girls Varsity Hockey team here at Williston is a group of hardworking, energetic and fun young ladies. The leaders of our team are our seniors: Alex Starzyk, Kerri Reimund, Miranda Goh, Amanda Cronin and Laura Aptowitz. They always know how to pump up the team and put everyone in a good mood.
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by Mairead Poulin
Last Thursday night, I found myself huddled over my computer at 11 pm, taking notes for my journalism class (because when does my life not come back to journalism?) while watching Jon Stewart’s ever popular The Daily Show. Amidst the usual puns and political humor, I found myself amused and entranced by one story in particular: that of the proposed Treasury secretary, and the way he signs his name.
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by Mairead Poulin ’13
Like most students beginning to think about their college plans, senior Laura Bowman didn’t realize that culinary school was an option.
“If you had asked me a year ago where I would hope to be attending in the fall, I would have said a university near New York City, probably for business or something like that,” she shares. But in the middle of her college search, at the suggestion of her mother, Laura made a spur of the moment trip to tour a school’s culinary program. And just like that, she discovered her calling.
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by Nick Pattison ’14
Ryan Tyree, the new boys Varsity Squash coach, not only instructs his players, he learns from them. His story of learning to play squash shows that if one sets their mind to something and works hard at it, then they will succeed.
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by Yoonji Kim ’15
As Williston is noted as a “singing school,” our student and faculty musicians have a significant impact on the community. Ranging from singers to jazz band performers, our school musicians perform a wide variety of musical genres, and the beauty of the music brought to the community is very meaningful. Although music is not a regular part of our daily routine or as main stream as athletics, Williston shares and builds community around music through our always well-attended concerts.
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By Elizabeth Calderone ’14
Sitting in Ms. Ram’s Spanish class, students diligently concentrate on mastering verb forms and vocabulary words. Her love of the language is evident as she gesticulates while teaching. “Sólo hablarás en español,” she tells her students. While this is the second trimester of the year for them, this is Ms. Ram’s first. She was voyaging through Europe this fall as we navigated the new schedule.
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Daily Announcements from Williston Northampton