Parent Diversity Committee Today

4.27.13 11:00am – 12:00pm Parent Association Room

· Ground rules for speaking in the meeting
o Speak responsibility
o Confidentiality
o Respect other’s opinions
o Use “I” statements
o Avoid using “should”
o Provide solutions
· Introductions
· Reporting: Interns, Proctor interviews & past minutes.
· Cultural Guide: once we have a proposal for topics student and faculty committee will contribute, then on to communications for edit, review and publication.
o Authentic ethnic restaurants: ranging from soul food and good BBQ to Asian.
o Ethnic grocery stores with product reference guide.
o Places of worship and/or local religious organizations – churches of all denominations, synagogues, mosques, and other religious gatherings
o Local organizations which support diverse interests: LGBT issues, NAACP, Hispanic support organizations, etc…
o Services for things such as hair…
· Next steps: vision statement, set next meeting

For those parents not on campus….
We have a conference phone;

The Conference phone that we have is tied to our phone system and acts like a normal school phone. Parties connect to the number 413-529-3500 (password 2864).

I value the dialogue that we have had and will have and I think it will enrich the diversity programs in our community. Thank you for your time.

Bridget M. Choo
Director of Diversity

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