Field Trip to Easthampton Wastewater Treatment Plant on Dec. 9

Students in AP Environmental Science will visit the Easthampton Wastewater Treatment Plant on Tuesday, December 9. This field trip, from 1:40 p.m. – 3 p.m., is required for the 10 students who are enrolled in APES and will be overseen by science teacher Matt Spearing.

Easthampton Wastewater Treatment Plant Field Trip 2013

During a similar trip last year, Sally Peters, the Coordinator of the Industrial Pretreatment Program at the City of Easthampton Wastewater Treatment Facility, gave the class an extensive tour of the facilities. The tour started at the influent where the wastewater drains from all over town and included the primary physical separation of solid material takes place, followed by biological breakdown in the secondary treatment with bacteria and protozoa doing most of the work, and then the final settling tanks and chlorine added to the effluent.

See photos from the 2013 trip.

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