Founders Day Schedule:
Sunday, February 21: 7 p.m. screening of the film “One Revolution” with Chris Waddell, a Paralympian and author.
Monday, February 22: Founders Day
8:30 a.m. “Nametags” assembly with Chris Waddell in Phillips Stevens Chapel.Seating by advisory. “It’s not what happens to you. It’s what you do with what happens to you.”
9:30 a.m.-9:45 a.m. Question and answer session with Chris Waddell
9:45 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Info and food for thought
10:00-10:15 a.m. break
10:15-11:15 a.m. “Sharing Your Social Identities”: Assigned family groups for cultural awareness.*
11:15-11:25 a.m. break
11:25 a.m.-11:55 p.m. Group A: Lunch in Birch Dining Commons
Group B: Check-in and reflection with Advisory
11:55-12:05 break
12:05-12:35 p.m. Group B: Lunch in Birch Dining Commons
Group A: Check-in and Reflection with Advisory
12:35-12:45 p.m. Go to assigned afternoon workshop location
12:45-1:45 p.m. Exploring personal identities and passions workshops
1:45-1:55 p.m. break. Go to the Phillips Stevens Chapel
2:00 p.m. Closing assembly in the Phillips Stevens Chapel
*Please pay special attention to the following:
Assigned Family Groups (10:15-11:15 a.m.) will allow for dialogue and sharing. Peer and faculty facilitators will be positive and make sure all discussions run smoothly. Family Groups allow for safe and brave space. As we expect on a daily basis, we will be open and respectful of everyone during discussions and exercises. It is an opportunity to share and listen. These are the norms and expectations of participation for the day:
1. Be fully present.
2. Speak from the “I” perspective.
3. Be self-responsible and self-challenging.
4. Listen, listen, listen, and process.
5. Experiment with new behaviors in order to expand your range of response.
6. Accept conflict and its resolution as a necessary catalyst for learning. Listen first.
7. Be comfortable with silence.
8. Be crisp; say what’s core.
9. Treat the candidness of others as a gift; honor confidentiality. What is said in family groups, stays in family groups.
10. Suspend judgment of yourself and of others.